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CDCBT1001: Use case confirmation

Part Number: CDCBT1001
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDC3RL02

hi team:

 my customer have a use case and want to check whether the CDCBT1001 is suitable for this case as below green mark area. Can you help to confirm? tks !

 here attached the parameter and block diagram:

 1. signal input is a 0.1~ 0.6V(Vpp), typical is 0.4V, Sinusoidal signal with10Mhz

 2. the final signal will go into STuw81300 CLK device, and the input signal has the following requirements.

 3. Reference phase noise -155dBc@10kHz offset.

  • attached the spec of STuw81300 


  • Hi Allen,

    For CDCBT1001 to operate correct at 1.2 V VDD_IN. It needs VIH = VDD_IN * 0.8 and VIL  = VDD_IN = VDD_IN * 0.2. This seems not the case for its input swing mentioned above which is 0.1 to 0.6 VPP. I don't think it would cross the threshold of that part for switching the output. 

    It seems like you need a differential type input buffer that can be used as single ended sine wave case. Usually that have lower offset between INP and INN and we can easily make small amplitude swing to work.

    There are couple of below devices that could be used for this case:



    They can both support a minimum swing of 0.6 VPP but sinewave could become problematic due to slew rate limitations usually which could result in duty cycle distortion.



  • hi Asim:

     tks for your explanation. As i see, the CDC3RL02 can support Vpp low as 0.3V, I will apply some samples for testing !