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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK62I0-100M, LMK6H

Hi team 

We have PCIE GEN 5 in our system , for REF CLK M / P can we use this part LMK62I0-100M00SIAT ? I saw most of specs are meeting but if any one confirms this part will support REF CLK of GEN 5 

  • Hi Gowthamman, 

    I would also expect that LMK62I0-100M should pass PCIE Gen 5 requirements, but I don't believe we've tested it with the PCIE filter yet. We don't have any of these variants in the office, but I can get some samples and run it through a PCIE compliance tool to verify. It may take some time to receive the units but I should be able to provide some data next week.

    If you're ok with using a smaller package, LMK6H is another option since it is compliant for PCIE Gen 1 to 6. 



  • Thanks - Will wait for your experiment with PCIE GEN 5 and regarding LMK6H has very very high lead time thats why i asked this part- LMK62I0-100M will support the PCIE Gen 5 or not.

  • Hi Gowthamman, 

    We currently have around 14,000 units of inventory for LMK6H 100 MHz (7000 units of the LMK6HA10000BDLF variant that we discussed previously). 

    Can you explain more about the lead time issues you're having? I can check with marketing and sales to look into this. 



  • Hi Gowthamman, 

    Just to follow up on this, did you decide to proceed with the LMK6H for this design and were the lead time issues resolved?

