LMK05318B: holdover not working

Part Number: LMK05318B


Hi Experts, I have the LMK05318B on custom board and it works very well.
XO OCXO 24.576MHz
Ref2 IEEE1588 PPS optional
out1 25MHz
out2 10MHz
out7 PPS
When Ref1 is validated the output starts folowing. In one minute LOFL_DPLL goes low and after a while we have also DPLL phase lock, LOPL_DPLL low.
Tuning word history update HIST bit flashes periodic. R14 now is mostly 0x00 except for HIST bit.

I have adjusted the OCXO +0.1 PPM by purpose to see the difference between holdover and freerun.
But when i interrupt gps reception the LMK always falls to XO ppm offset instead of calculated averaged historical offset.
Expected the LMK holds the locked freq offset as long as no ref input in valid.
What am i doing wrong?

R185    0x00B9F5
R186    0x00BA01
R187    0x00BB00
R188    0x00BC00
R189    0x00BD00
R190    0x00BE00

R252    0x00FC2D

R0 0x000010
R1 0x00010B
R2 0x000235
R3 0x000332
R4 0x000404
R5 0x00050E
R6 0x000617
R7 0x00078E
R8 0x000802
R10 0x000AC8
R11 0x000B00
R12 0x000C13
R13 0x000D08
R14 0x000E00
R15 0x000F00
R16 0x001000
R17 0x00111D
R18 0x0012FF
R19 0x001308

  • Hi Octo, 

    Just to clarify, are you setting the OCXO to +0.1ppm during the whole duration of this test? If I'm understanding correctly on the output of the LMK05318B you're seeing:

    Initial startup (LOFL = 1): +0.1 ppm

    Around a minute later (LOFL = 0): 0 ppm (locked to 1pps input)

    History accumulation: 0 ppm (locked to 1pps input)

    1pps reference is lost (LOFL = 1): 0.1 ppm (holdover)

    It looks like you have intermediate updates enabled so during holdover the device should automatically use the latest free run word. If intermediate updates were not enabled, you would generally need to wait for at least 3 Tavg periods plus the delay timer to ensure that the history is valid (see Figure 9-20 in the datasheet). Do you see any difference with different intermediate update intervals? I can also see if I can replicate this behavior on an EVM early next week.  



  • Indeed the OCXO +0.1ppm during the whole duration of this test and your description is correct.  That's what i am seeing.

    The intermediate updates enabled and also tested with different intervals. Same result.

    Awaiting for the EVM test

  • Makes sense, thanks for the clarification. I'll go ahead and test this out on an EVM and see if I can replicate this behavior. I should be able to get back to you sometime tomorrow. 



  • thanks a lot so far.
    In the meantime I am assembling another board to rule out a physical defect. You never know.

  • First time i brought up the LMK on my board, i initialized it with wrong values or random values, due to byte vs word i2c bus function. Had to wrote own programmer using HexRegisterValues output from Tics Pro. Power on reset and softreset didn't help.
    After that i resetted all registers (R0 counting to R512) with zero and configured using HexRegisterValues file.
    Is it possible that i overwrote some factory calibration or function routing/disablement?

  • Hi Octo, 

    My apologies for the delayed response, for some reason this thread had gotten marked as closed so I didn't see it was still ongoing. I wasn't able to replicate the error you described an an EVM. If you initialized the device with random values, it is possible that some trim settings got overwritten, but I think this would be unlikely to cause long term issues if you didn't program the EEPROM with an invalid config. Do you see the same behavior on the new board? 



  • Thank you for your response. I reworked the board with a new LMK chip so we can forget the eventually overwritten registers in eeprom.
    Unfortunately it didn't help. Got again 1PPS, 10MHz and 25MHz output freq/phase locked in a few minutes to the GPS reference.
    But after interrupting the antenna signal the LMK seems to not use the history but produces with OCXO's center frequency.

  • Hi Octo,

    Jumping in here a bit...I noticed intermediate updates were discussed. Can you please try repeating the test with intermediate updates disabled? R185 (0xB9)= 0x05

    Can you also please specify which history intermediate interval values you have tested?

