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TPL5000 application issue

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My customer is using our TPL5000 and now plan to PP. But they meet one issue that when customer board powered on and MCU will send Done signal every 3s and about 60us pulse width each Done signal to our TPL5000. However, after about 60s, our TPL5000 will send one reset signal(This is wrong signal) to MCU, after this these is no wrong reset send to MCU. Followed is the schematic that is used at customer side, can you pls help check? Thanks a lot!

BTW, checked the power supply for TPL5000 and MCU, these is no problem.


Best regards,

Sulyn Zhang

  • Hi Sulyn,

    I've contacted the applications support team responsible for TPL5000.


    Arvind Sridhar

  • Hi Sulyn,
    Sorry for the delay in the answer.
    The behavior you reported is expected: as reported in the TPL5000 datasheet at page 9, as soon as PGOOD is high, the internal oscillator starts to count and at the end of the first delay period (tDP), a reset signal (RSTn) is sent out.
    In the schematic, the pins D0, D1 and D2 are connected to VDD, so the tDP selected is exactly 64 sec.
    This is why your customer only sees a RSTn signal after 64sec after the power-on.
    Please let me know should you have any question.
    Best regards,