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LMK03328: Looking for clock distributor

Part Number: LMK03328
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCE62005, LMK03318, CDCM6208

Dear Team,

Can you please help finding the most appropriate clocking device for the spec below ?

  1. Two LVDS-type inputs with hard-switch between them (by external PU/PD), with no need to prior programming of any kind.
  2. At least 4 outputs (no need for much more, exactly 4 is also OK), each to be able to support LVCMOS (3.3V) as well as differential (LVDS)
  3. Dividers on outputs (at least by 2)
  4. At least one output to start upon power up from the active input (with no need for programming)

Can the LMK03328 answer for the above ?
Can you advise alternative devices ?

Best Regards,


  • Hi Nir,

    The CDCE62005 clock generator supports all these features. For #4, if you have a non-default frequency plan, you will need to program the non-volatile EEPROM once with your desired settings- subsequently, the device will startup without any need for programming.

    Do you need 3.3V-LVCMOS? LMK03328 and LMK03318 support these features and are lower cost and higher performance than CDCE62005, but the outputs are 1.8V-LVCMOS.

    CDCM6208 is also a viable choice- however this device does not have programmable EEPROM so the register settings must be written over I2C every time the device is started up if you need a different frequency plan from one of the 32 pre-programmed ROM configurations.

