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CDCLVC1310: Schematic review of the CDCLVC1310

Part Number: CDCLVC1310

Hi team,

Below is the schematic of the CDCLVC1310.

But customer test the XIN pin and get below wave:

Can you help to comment what's the cause of the issue?

is it because the cap input value or maybe the PCB layout?


Thanks a lot!

  • Is the spike only in the XTAL oscillation only during initial startup (I only see single trigger on the o-scope)? Or, do the spikes happen continuously (or periodically) after startup?

    What are the crystal specifications?

    Do they have bypass caps (like 0.1 uF) near each VDD and VDDO pin?

  • Hi Alan,

    Thanks so much for your reply!

    Below is my inputs:

    1. The spike happened with possibility when the device power on. It doesn't have the specific period.

    2. This spike don't affect the output signal

    3. The specs of the XTAL is as below:

    4. They have add the bypass cap in the VDDO and VDD.

    5. they select the mode to be 01 as the XTAL or override mode.

    Should the customer change the mode to XTAL bypass mode?

    The point to choose the XTAL override mode or bypass mode is just the max voltage of the XTAL output?

    If the voltage is larger than 2V, then we need to choose the XTAL bypass mode. right?

    Any circuit design difference need to be done between the XTAL bypass mode and the XTAL override mode?


    Thanks a lot!

  • Hi Lacey,
    The problem is caused by unmatched CL and over drive level on XTAL.
    The method is to reduce two external from 27pF to 6pF (notice CDCLVC1310 has on chip CL 12pF, and PCN strays cap is around 2~3 pF ), and change current limit resistor R14221 from 0 Ohm to an initial 1 kOhm.
    Tuning R14221 to make sure Vpp on XIN <= 0.24V. Notice the resistor can't be too large, otherwise there is no oscillation.

    For CDCLVC1310 setting, there is no difference for XTAL mode and overdrive mode, this overdrive is for a LVCMOS input, means re-driving a strong signal again.

  • Hi Shawn,
    Thanks so much for your reply!
    just to confirm, the maximum input Vpp in XIN is 0.24V or 2.4V?
    I check the specs in the datasheet, in the override mode, the max swing is 2V.
    Can you help to confirm?
    Thanks a lot!
  • Hi Lacey,
    0.24Vpp is limited by crystal drive level, not CDCLVC1310 spec. Current your measurement is around 2.69V-2.10V= 0.59Vpp, which is too large for the crystal in the current application.

  • Hi Shawn,

    Customer has tried the experiment to change the cap to 6pf and tune the resistor to decrease the input swing, but the issue don't be fixed.

    Can you help to figure out the other suspect cause?


    Thanks a lot!

  • Please change a new XTAL. With original circuits, it had been overdrive for long time, the XTAL could have some damage.