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We're evaluating synthesizers for a wideband receiver. It's a superheterodyne receiver with two local oscillators, and the first one needs to tune to whatever frequency in a continuous ~3GHz range or in another continuous, non overlapping 2GHz range. (for example, it might have to tune to any frequency from 0.5 to 2.5 GHz and also from 3 to 6 GHz).
We purchased LMX2594 and LMX2572 EVM's as both of these devices looked very good. We've been working with LMX2594 for a while and we've created an optimization routine with several PFD's and we've been able to reduce close-in spurs to acceptable levels (-80dBc typical) in every frequency we try by adjusting MASH order, PFD, and sometimes MASH seed. We also noted that sometimes changing the output power dramatically reduces some spurs.
The issue comes from far-off spurs, as they are quite nasty. We've measured -50dBc VCO-related spurs 1GHz away from the carrier and similar stuff (in LMX2594) and that's not good for our application. Could be solved with an LO filterbank but we first need to know what to expect in order to design such filter.
We recently got the LMX2572 EVM to check if the far-off spur performance is better, as the charge pump current is lower and Kvco is more linear. Here's a measurement taken from an LMX2572EVM set at 4301 MHz from a 125 MHz reference (the one that comes with the EVM) at 800 MHz span with no optimization. First picture is the carrier, second picture 1GHz away from it:
The register settings are these:
R125 0x7D2288 R124 0x7C0000 R123 0x7B0000 R122 0x7A0000 R121 0x790000 R120 0x780000 R119 0x770000 R118 0x760000 R117 0x750000 R116 0x740000 R115 0x730000 R114 0x727802 R113 0x710000 R112 0x700000 R111 0x6F0000 R110 0x6E0000 R109 0x6D0000 R108 0x6C0000 R107 0x6B0000 R106 0x6A0007 R105 0x694440 R104 0x680000 R103 0x670000 R102 0x660000 R101 0x650000 R100 0x640000 R99 0x630000 R98 0x620000 R97 0x610000 R96 0x600000 R95 0x5F0000 R94 0x5E0000 R93 0x5D0000 R92 0x5C0000 R91 0x5B0000 R90 0x5A0000 R89 0x590000 R88 0x580000 R87 0x570000 R86 0x560000 R85 0x550000 R84 0x540000 R83 0x530000 R82 0x520000 R81 0x510000 R80 0x500000 R79 0x4F0000 R78 0x4E0001 R77 0x4D0000 R76 0x4C000C R75 0x4B0800 R74 0x4A0000 R73 0x49003F R72 0x480001 R71 0x470081 R70 0x46C350 R69 0x450000 R68 0x4403E8 R67 0x430000 R66 0x4201F4 R65 0x410000 R64 0x401388 R63 0x3F0000 R62 0x3E00AF R61 0x3D00A8 R60 0x3C03E8 R59 0x3B0001 R58 0x3A9001 R57 0x390020 R56 0x380000 R55 0x370000 R54 0x360000 R53 0x350000 R52 0x340421 R51 0x330080 R50 0x320080 R49 0x314180 R48 0x3003E0 R47 0x2F0300 R46 0x2E07F0 R45 0x2DCE1F R44 0x2C1FA3 R43 0x2B0198 R42 0x2A0000 R41 0x290000 R40 0x280000 R39 0x2703E8 R38 0x260000 R37 0x250205 R36 0x240022 R35 0x230004 R34 0x220010 R33 0x211E01 R32 0x2005BF R31 0x1FC3E6 R30 0x1E18A6 R29 0x1D0000 R28 0x1C0488 R27 0x1B0002 R26 0x1A0808 R25 0x190624 R24 0x18071A R23 0x17007C R22 0x160001 R21 0x150409 R20 0x144848 R19 0x1327B7 R18 0x120064 R17 0x110096 R16 0x100080 R15 0x0F060E R14 0x0E1810 R13 0x0D4000 R12 0x0C5001 R11 0x0BB018 R10 0x0A10F8 R9 0x090004 R8 0x082000 R7 0x0700B2 R6 0x06C802 R5 0x0530C8 R4 0x040A43 R3 0x030782 R2 0x020500 R1 0x010808 R0 0x00219C
My question is wether this behaviour is normal/expected and what should we expect far off the carrier. Are our spur levels normal?
The EVM has been slightly modified to add an on-board ultra low noise, ultra high PSRR LDO. We basically scratch the soldermask on the back and carefully dead-bug a regulator on the backside and a PI input ferrite-capacitor filter, to have a point of load regulator and avoid unwanted extra noise.
Hi David,
I saw there are spurs at multiple of 125MHz, These spurs is probably due to state machine clock, which is also the OSCin frequency according to your configuration.
You can try set CAL_CLK_DIV to 1 to reduce the state machine clock frequency in a half.
Another problem I found in your configuration is the fractional denominator, DEN, it should be set to an irrational number in order to remove fractional spurs. When DEN=1000, I expect there are spurs at 1MHz offset (fraction or multiple of 1MHz). You can make DEN=12345678 to make these fractional spurs go away.
These pictures were just a quick setup to illustrate the common behaviour we see with these PLL's, we've tried several strategies with both the LMX2594 and the LMX2572 and we get this kind of "sea of spurs" behaviour.
We were used to other manufacturer's PLLs fractional-N PLLs such as the ADF5355 series of Analog Devices which we used extensively in the past, which gives much more predictable spurs. With them, you get fractional and subfractional spurs and then the only far-off spurs that appear are multiples of the PFD, so you know what you're going to get.They are simple yet very very predictable
The LMX25XX series perform better in terms on phase noise and so far it seems like it gives lower spurs if you tame them properly, but our impression is that the spurs are too "unpredictable". You get the common suspects such as PFD, fractional, subfractional, reference cross talk, etc, but instead of getting lower and lower such that far from the carrier only the ones with stronger generation mechanisms remain above -100 dBm, you get a sea of low-level yet noticeable spurs like in the pictures, and sometimes there are extra far spurs that seem to be VCO-related (they appear at the same level depending on the VCO frequency, impervious to FPD changes and N variations) wich can get as high as -50dB
My question is wether this "sea of spurs" behaviour is to be expected, so that we can better at optimizing them away.
By the way, what do you mean by "irrational number" for the denominator? The denominator is always an integer so it can't be irrational by definition. I thought you meant prime, but 12345678 isn't prime. I've read stuff about numerator/denominator choosing strategies and some people say that making them co-prime helps as it forces the maximum amount of fractional randomization, yet they don't say they WILL reduce the spurs, but that it MIGHT reduce them under some circumstances. Could you please clarify on what would be the best strategy to choose the denominator?
Right now, as we want to move the frequency in 1Hz increments, in our own driver (not in TICS pro) we just set the denominator equal to the fPD in Hz and the numerator as the remainder from fRF/fPD, and then we either expand the fraction, reduce it or add 1 to the denominator to create an unequal large fraction.
EDIT: I've tested and setting CAL_CLK_DIV as you said created even more far-out spurs in between the ones that were already present, which I guess is to be expected. Apart from that, I've tested that a significant portion of the spurs are still present even if you turn off the output with OUT_PD and set the output mux to Hi-Z. The level goes lower but several are still above -80 dBm. Not sure where these could come from really, it must be some sort of crosstalk or coupling but I don't get where it could come from.
The sea of spurs behaviour was observed by us before when we were working with LMX2594 and we did things like putting the chip inside an aluminium box with EMI filters in all data lines and a common mode choke in the DC feed line and we still got similar behaviour. I just want to know if this is normal or expected.
Just a few comments:
1. I saw you mention that the LMX2572 has better far out spurs than the LMX2594. One difference is that the LMX2572 has integrated pull-up, while lmx2594 is not integrated. What this means is that the power supply to this pull-up for the lMX2594 has PSRR of 0 dB. So you might want to see if the power supply has any impact on spurs.
2. If you increase CAL_CLK_DIV, it lowers the state machine clock frequency. This frequency is Fsmclk = Fosc/2^CAL_CLK_DIV. So if you increase this, you get a lower frequency Fsmclk, and this could mean more spurs.
3. If you turn off the output, but still see the spurs, this suggests to me that perhaps it is power supply noise coming through the pull-up resistor as this is always connected to the power.
4. Spurs can come from anywhere, but in our lab, we typically do not see so many spurs that are of this level.
5. For any spur hunt, it is often useful to try to eliminate possible causes. If possible, if you can set the device to integer mode and choose an integer mode channel, then this would eliminate a whole host of potential causes. If the sprus persist, then it points to something else, like power supply. You might also want to compare spurs with minimum charge pump gain to maximum charge pump gain. If they are unchanged, this suggests that they are going around the loop filter. If they get lower at lower charge pump, it suggests that either they are going through the loop filter, or that they are due to noise on the charge pump supply itself.
Hi Dean,
The thing about LMX2572 being better than LMX2594 only happens close to the carrier, where fractional spurs are normally slightly lower. Far off from the carrier we get a very similar behaviour.
Some of the spurs we see are reference related. We inject the reference differentially from an LMX04828 and that creates reference spurs at integer multiples of the reference frequency. Others, we don't know. Most of the stuff seems to relate to known spur generation mechanisms and can be optimized away, as we currently do. But the sea of spur behaviour is where we're not sure about the cause or if it's actually a feature of MASH synthesizers.
See, there are so so many spurs at so so many places that we think it has to be something inherent to the chip and not externally induced.
We're using official EVAL boards which were modified to fit an ultra low noise, ultra high PSRR LDO for point of load regulation. We place the boards in custom-made aluminium boxes with passthrough SMA pigtails, two power banana inputs with an internal common mode filter and feed-thru capacitor and a passthrough signal connector with integrated EMI filters. We supply the thing with a dedicated linear PSU of a reputable brand (TTI). Then we screw the lid and the box is sealed with an EMI gasket.
The pictures I showed were under these conditions. We're now at a point where we've tamed the LMX synthesizers to a point where we've gotten it where we wanted them. We can optimize away most of the highest spurs tweaking the configuration and we've implemented a filterbank in our application to get rid of the far-off spurs below the carrier, which are the worst for us as we're amplifying the LO signal to saturation and injecting it to a mixer at 20dBm in a high-side injection configuration. But we'd still like to know if the behaviour we see could be normal or not under the circumstances described before fully commiting to the final design.
Could you please recreate our scenario (the pictures I posted before with an LMX2572 EVM with stock loop filter, using the settings I posted) and send a capture of the spectrum you get?
Could you try with the reference pro board at 125 MHz like we did? Our settings are meant for 125 MHz instead of 100 MHz and the output frequency should be 4301 MHz instead of 3441 MHz (which is 4301/1.25).
OK, I changed the input frequency to 125 MHz on reference pro and I see 125 MHz phase detector spurs.
I think that it is due to the phase detector because if I keep the output frequency constant, but tinker with the phase detector frequency by making it 125 (x2) / 3 using the OSC_2X and PLL_R divider of 3, then it reduces the spur.
In your condition, looks like the phase detector spurs was about -75 dBc/Hz. For the settings, I note that you have OUTB_MUX=Channel divider. This should be set to OUTB_MUX="VCO". The way with your current settings turns on the channel divider and it draws current and makes a small spur. Changing it to VCO won't fix the phase detector spur, but it's a free 8 mA and reduces the Fvco/2 spur.
Here's my picture