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TUSB2046B: TUSB2046 and TM4C does not work together

Part Number: TUSB2046B

I have an system that does not work above 60C temperature rate. The system has a TUSB2046 and TM4C123G an one of CPU. CPU connect with TUSB2046 upstream port. And there are resistor and capacitor requirements on that port. Also TM4C123G uses TUSB2046's third downstream port. And there are resistor and capacitor reguirements. At above 60C i have an 1.1.3 unemuration error on that port. other ports works greatly. I have check that 1.1.2 and 1.1.1 works greatly. 

And also i checked the integrated circuits that i used temperatures value. They are ok.

My other investigation that problem. I i deleted USBsettings code on Tm4C code, the system works. When i added the USBsettings code on Tm4c my all function does not work that microcontroller should do even gpio. It seems USB settings functions put my microcontroller into the bug.

If my code is wrong why do i have unemuration fault. Is there any other reason of unemuration problem without lack of power. And also i checked my power requirements. I supply all ic's with external 3.3V 1A LDO.

Could you help me please?