Dear TI Team,
It is seen that certain diagnostics tests do not function as intended.
Time Domain Reflectometry:
test set:
a) after performing TDR is activated by setting bit[15] in register 0x1E
b) wait 100ms
c) readback of 0x1e = 0x3 (connected with no problem)/ 0x2(detected with problem cable short/open)
d) readback of 0x310 = 0x0(connected with no problem)/ 0xFFCX(detected cable open)/ 0xFF8X(detected cable short)
near end cable (1m cable) short & open results return OK
far end cable (15m cable) open results return OK
far end cable (15m cable) short results return to be 0xFFCX(detected cable open)
attached test picture excel record: