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TPD8S300A: Can I use TPD8S300A to realize OVP for SBU1, SBU2, DP, DM ports?

Part Number: TPD8S300A

Hi team,

I noticed that TPD8S300A can realize 4-Channels of Short-to-VBUS Overvoltage Protection on CC1, CC2, SBU1, SBU2 or CC1, CC2, DP, DM ports. Can I use TPD8S300A to realize OVP for SBU1, SBU2, DP, DM ports? If not, why? Is there any alternatives that can realize my target?

Best Regards,

Bengi Long

  • HI Bengi, 

    Can you elaborate what do you mean by realize OVP for SBU1/2 and DP/DM ports? Does the customer want the TPD device to report OVP? 

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin

  • Hi Raymond,

    For application of this chip, we can use CC1/CC2 to protect the type-C CC1/CC2 port, and SBU1/2 to protect type-C DP/DM port right? So I want to know if we can use CC1/CC2 to protect SBU1/SBU2 port, and SBU1/2 to protect DP/DM port? Or can I use these four pins to conduct over-voltage protection upon type-C SBU1+SBU2+DP+DM ports? I noticed that the over-voltage protection level of CC pin is different from SBU pin. I'm not sure if this will make a difference.

    Best Regards,

    Bengi Long

  • Hi Bengi, 

    CC1/2 and SBU1/2 should be used to protect the CC and SBU pins from the Type-C connector. For DP/DM protection connect them to D1-D4 pins as highlighted below:

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin

  • Hi Raymond,

    Maybe I didn't make it clear, we can use SBU1/2 pins to realize Short-to-VBUS Overvoltage
    Protection to DP/DM port, right? (As highlighted below) What you mean above is ESD protection to DP/DM port. I want to know that whether we can use CC1/2 & SBU1/2 pins to realize Short-to-VBUS Overvoltage Protection for USB-C SBU1/2 and DP/DM port. Thank you!

    Best Regards,

    Bengi Long

  • Hi Bengi, 

    Let me look into this further and get back to you, is there a reason why customer wants to put DP/DM through the SBU/CC input side of the TPD device? Is it solely just to trigger OVP event? 

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin

  • Hi Raymond,

    Because customer said his PD controller offers the OVP for CC1/CC2 ports, so he wants to use our TPD device to protect DP/DM+SBU1/2 from over-voltage. He said that if he just used this device to protect SBU1/2, the CC1/2 OVP pins would be wasted, hence losing value for money. 

    Best Regards,

    Bengi Long

  • Hi Bengi, 

    Unfortunately the CCx OVP channels on TPD8S300A does not support USB2 data speed. As mentioned before, customer can still use D1-D4 for DP/DM esd protection.

    For proper USB data line protection, you'll need to reach out to the HSD-HSSC for part recommendations. 

    Thanks and Regards,

    Raymond Lin