I have a problem with my MAX3232E TTL-rs232 converter. the I have followed in my custom board the circuit in the datasheet wit the typical values.
the TTL signal comes from PIC32MX, the output should go to the computer. the voltage input level is 3.3V. the capacitors values are .1uF TANT, 35V.
the circuit worked very well at the beginning, it stayed working and I could transfer data between it and the computer successfully, then suddenly it stopped working!
I tried the next fixes:
- I started a typical fix by changing the IC itself with a new one:: still not working.
- changing the capacitors with new ones:: still not working.
- I checked the power levels, it is 3.3V and Ground, as it should.
I used an oscilloscope to check the problem, and here is what I did and got:
- I checked the TTL input, all good, from ~0V to ~3.3V.
- I checked the RS232 output, here is the problem appears!! the output TX is all in Negative, at ~-6V.
- the signal appears at TX line but still all in negative, and it seems like trying to get the full function signal bug still in Negative! the photo will show that.
- the next photo shows the schematic
this schematic is the base schematic of many of my designs and all of them works fine, even in this board I have 4 circuit of this! all of them works but this one!
- this is the circuit layout
this is all about the problem
any suggestions?
I can provide more info if needed.
and thank you very much.