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TXB0104-Q1: TXB0104-Q1

Part Number: TXB0104-Q1

Hi Team,

This Query is regarding TXB0104-Q1 Level Translator,

Q)What is the default state of input/output pins of Port A and Port B If VCCA and VCCB is not supplied?

Q)Once VCCA and VCCB is supplied, does all the Input/Output pin referenced to VCCA and VCCB also get supplied? or does it depend on state of system the pin is connected to?

  • Hey Srijesh,

    Q)What is the default state of input/output pins of Port A and Port B If VCCA and VCCB is not supplied?

    The default state of the I/Os will be placed in a high impedance state assuming the power supplies are at 0V when not supplied. Also see the IOFF parameter for more information:

    Q)Once VCCA and VCCB is supplied, does all the Input/Output pin referenced to VCCA and VCCB also get supplied? or does it depend on state of system the pin is connected to?

    There isn't a default state that the TXB is driven to. The TXB consists of a weak latch that retains the last known state on the ports. If a known specific state is required at startup, a weak pullup/pulldown of greater than >50kohms can be used.

