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Unable to connect to the development board after downloading the wrong project

Part Number: LP-MSPM0G3507

我所用的开发板是,LP-MSPM0G3507,今天我想调试板子的时候,将错误的工程下载进了开发板里,里面的硬件配置都是不对的。下载完之后发现,已经无法用XDS110 USB连接开发板了。请问有没有方法能够补救回来。我希望能重置这个开发板。

The development board I used is LP-MSPM0G3507. When I tried to debug the board today, I downloaded the wrong project into the development board, and the hardware configuration in it was wrong. After downloading, it was found that it was no longer possible to connect the development board with XDS110 USB. Is there any way to remedy it. I hope i could reset this development board and delete the wrong project.

  • Thanks for support!

    It's very useful but reset failed!

    The following pic shows the details.

  • Have you try the BSL solution?

  • Thank you so so much ! Now the problem has been solved.

    I haven't tried the BSL solution. I just knocked and shake the damn board and then it fixed :) .

    Maybe the plastic sleeve on the ping take effects. (I don't know)

    Thank you Gao. 你很牛逼,谢谢。

  • Hell Gao!

    This issue remains. It happened again. And I can't download the 

    It says "You do not have permission to view this directory or page."

    This time 's error is that

    Thank you.

  • You can find the GUI in the SDK

    It is in the SDK …\mspm0_sdk_0_57_00_00_eng\tools\bsl\BSL_GUI_EXE

  • Thank you Gary.

    BSL can't solve the problem.

    And factory reset failed.

  • Hello Gary

    When I try to connect the device. CCS will tell me that the device may in low power mode. Please try Force Reset.

    And then I Click the Force Reset button, and after a while CCS will tell me to try mailbox Mass Erase.

    And the Erase failed again. I think the reason why it can not be connected to PC is that my project has some problems.

    I download the wrong project to the device and cause the problem.

    Why I haven't asked you for several days. Because I have 2 MSPM0 board .

    And now they both dead ...

    I need help or I need a response that whether they are totally dead.

  • Sorry for using Chinese.

    • 问题现象
    1. IDE:0.0,DebugXDS110 USB 开发板:LP-MSPM0G3507


    1. 右键工程,“Debug Project”,加载后出现下图错误。
    2. 点击Force Reset后,显示下图错误。
    3. 点击DSSM Mass Erase后,界面如下图所示。


    1. 如果点击OK,错误如下图所示。
    2. IDE:CCS 12.1.0,DebugXDS110 USB 开发板:LP-MSPM0G3507
    3. 尝试连接后,同样显示如下问题。
    4. 点击Force Reset后,显示如下问题。
    5. 点击DSSM Mass Erase后,无法进行,进行恢复出厂设置。操作如下图。
    6. 显示的错误如下图所示。
    • 产生的起因
    1. 已经有两块LP-MSPM0G3507出现本次问题,问题出现前进行过以下操作:
    2. 下载并运行自己的工程
    3. 调试例程时,采用过逻辑分析仪抓取pin脚电平
    4. 在程序中拉pin脚来使能别的pin脚,用杜邦线连接
    5. (某些具体细节操作可能无法总结)


    • 调查
    1. 已经尝试过BSL以及factory reset,都失败。BSL失败图:


    1. 尝试过用Jlink调试,虽然暂时失败,但是目前还无法确认采用的Jlink是否支持该功能。
    2. 观察开发板,发现我的程序内点亮的LED依旧点亮,是否可以判定程序还在继续跑?
    3. 已在TI论坛(英文)上求助,暂无解决办法。


  • I have the same problem, and both BSL and Factory reset failed as well.

  • That seems in the case that the SWD and BSL be locked. The common case caused this is Non-main flash been erased with no data write into it. Do you enable the non-flash erase in CCS? Be careful to modify the non-main flash. 

    If SWD and BSL be locked both, you can just replace the MSPM0 device with a new one.

  • I have the same problem,It tips device enter low power mode,and can't connect xds110 download.

  • The early version devices do not support debug in low power mode but it can be recovered by BSL. But for the latest version of the device will not have this issue.

  • Is that the device really be in low power mode or just the CCS told you that the device may in low power mode.

    The CCS always tells that the device is in low power mode and let you try force reset.

  • The device should be in low power mode.