AM263P4: Scripts for OSPI flash of AM263PX

Part Number: AM263P4


Hello team,

We are doing flash operation for AM263PX, we are using MCAL_AM263P_09.02.00.

We could able to erase, write and read sectors of memory.

we are using trace debugger to flash and validate. However in trace we could not able to see memory dump of OSPI due to still flash is not enabled. 

Do you have any scripts available at your end to enable flash and check the dump ? 

Best Regards,

Vishwanatha N 

  • Hi Vishwanatha,

    Apologies for the delay.

    To read the flash content directly via memory browser / trace, we will need to put the flash in DAC mode - Direct Access Mode. To enable DAC mode set OSPI_CONFIG_REG (53808000h) Bit 7.

    Please refer to AM263Px RA Table 5-4192. CONFIG_REG Register , AM263Px TRM Section OSPI Direct Access Controller (DAC) for more details.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Hello Rijohn,

    Thank you for your message. 

    We are starting with OSPI flash operation like erase, write and read.

    we have created Bootloader application to erase and program user application into external flash.

    I have following questions regarding OSPI:

    1. We are using am263px-ospi-IS25LX256-xspi.cmm script to initialize clock, PIN mux and create the flash however when there is flash dump the manufacture ID and Device ID at 0x538080A0 is get over written with 0xFFFFFFFF, this will fails when READ ID is get called
    2. What could be sfdp parameters to be set ? I came to know from TI Flash example that sfdp parametrs to set before calling fls_Init.
    3. When we call Flash_sfdpParams_init then flashBusyTimeout is set to maximum value and enableSeq set to zero with which control always in wait ready state till time out paramters. any comments on this ?
    4. We tried to minimize the time out paramters and it fails in Read of device ID and manufacture ID because from point 1 it always read as 0xFF
    5. We try to comment the flash dump instruction from the script then it is able to read device ID but manufacture ID but flash erase and write is failing that this leads to exceptions?

    if you want we can have some short debug session to understand issue more.

    Please let me know if you required any further information. 

    Best Regards,

    Vishwanatha N 

  • Hi Vishwanath,

    Thank you for the reply.

    Please allow me to come back on this by mid of next week after discussing with the OSPI SW experts /MCAL team.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Hi Vishwanatha,

    Which transfer mode are you trying to use to send/receive data?
    Please configure the flash specific commands. dummy cycles and protocol specific commands properly.
    If you are using custom flash, Please refer 6.2. Adding Support For a Custom Flash Device — Platform MCAL Development - AM263PX User Guide.

    Device Id is not read properly due to readData capture delay or dummy cycles not set properly.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Raj Nanda

  • Hello Raj,

    We are using DAC mode. 

    Configuration is taken care as per sample application of TI. 

    We are following the steps as provided by TI in the sample examples. 

    While reading device ID and manufacture ID the flash control register is not updated with device ID and manufacture ID. 

    Can we have debug session to check in details and try to understand the issue ? 

    Best Regards,

    Vishwanatha N 

  • Hello Vishwanatha,

    Can you please share your 'MCAL_INSTALL_DIR/mcal/Fls/V2/Fls_Nor_config.c' file.


  • Fls_Nor_config.c
    * Copyright (c) 2023 Texas Instruments Incorporated
    * All rights reserved not granted herein.
    * Limited License.
    * Texas Instruments Incorporated grants a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive
    * license under copyrights and patents it now or hereafter owns or controls to make,
    * have made, use, import, offer to sell and sell ("Utilize") this software subject to the
    * terms herein. With respect to the foregoing patent license, such license is granted
    * solely to the extent that any such patent is necessary to Utilize the software alone.
    * The patent license shall not apply to any combinations which include this software,
    * other than combinations with devices manufactured by or for TI ("TI Devices").
    * No hardware patent is licensed hereunder.
    * Redistributions must preserve existing copyright notices and reproduce this license
    * (including the above copyright notice and the disclaimer and (if applicable) source

    Hello Gunjan Kumari,

    Please find the attached file for your reference.

    Best Regards,

    Vishwanatha N 

  • Hello Team,

    Please let me know if you have any update on this topic ? 

    Can we have short debug session to understand more about the issue ? 

    Best Regards,

    Vishwanatha N