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AM263P4: am263px launchpad

Part Number: AM263P4


please let me know what can i do to let the CCS ver 12.7.1 or CCS ver 12.8 to recognize my am263px launchpad?


the default boot setup isn't clear. i tried the AM263PX Academy

the launchpad setup not clear. What is the correct setup for the boot option switch ?



  • Hello Baruch,

    Here is the boot option for Dev Boot mode on the LaunchPad:

    Also make sure you are connecting both the USB-C and the XDS110 USBs on the LaunchPad with the USB-C connection being one from an adapter that can supply at least 5V/3A.

    Another potential issue though less likely - when you installed CCS did you choose the package for AM2x Microcontrollers as part of installed support? If in doubt you can check by trying to Install Device Support:

    Best Regards,

    Ralph Jacobi

  • thanks but my launchpad am263p4 still don't recognize by my ccs. 

  • Hello Baruch,

    Can you share images of your LaunchPad while plugged in fully and what errors are occurring in CCS when trying to connect to the LaunchPad?

    Best Regards,

    Ralph Jacobi