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What ti development boards ca be recommended using code composer

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EK-TM4C123GXL, LM3S811, EK-LM3S811


In the past i was using tiva-c for my embedded porjects, but right now i need a smaller board for my last project. Can anyone recommend a board that can be developed from code composer an is smaller then tiva c for example the size of an soic8 breakout board.

  • balauroiu radu said:
    ...right now i need a smaller board for my (next) project.     Can anyone recommend a board that can be developed from code composer an is smaller then tiva c for example the size of an soic8 breakout board.

    Probably not - is it not a fact that '64 QFP' is the 'smallest sized Tiva/TM4C MCU?'     Placing a 64 pin device while routing (even) half (the number) of MCU pins to the pcb's edges is sure to, 'Exceed the size of an 8 pin soic breakout board.'  

    If you can 'shield this post from vendor's eyes' - you may consider, 'Alien ARM Cortex M0s/M0+s - which (are available) in reduced pin count packages - even 8 pin soics!    Do note - that such size reduction significantly reduces the number of MCU pins - available for your application.    As usual - Engineering often demands 'trade-offs' - it is rare to find a 'Solution' which: Meets 'Everyone's Requirements' - at 'All times.'

    I'm 'away' from the office at the moment - staff will provide several comparison photos (upon their arrival tomorrow) which should aid your grasp of 'typical MCU board sizes.'    The photo below reveals a (past) 'LM3S' MCU in a 64 QFP package - developed by my firm - and which is significantly 'smaller' than the vendor's 'TM4C123 LPad' - which is believed to be their 'most size-reduced Development Board.'     Do note that the vendor's LPad includes a 2nd MCU - which serves the ICDI (programming/debugging functions) - which is not present upon my firm's board.    (Instead we program/debug via 'J-Link & IAR's 'Pro' IDE' - which attaches to the '10 pin, 0.050" pitch header - -  located near the bottom of the vertically placed (right) pcb, below.)

    In contrast - the vendor's TM4C123 LPad measures 65x50 mm - our board (above) is 60x28mm.     Tomorrow staff will provide an 'A-B' photo comparison.

    Note that - on the 'flip side' of this MCU board may (optionally) reside a small 'Graphic or Text' LCD or OLED Display Module.   (Note: 96x64 OLED shown)

  • Can you provide me an link to a site from where i can purchase this board. Maybe i can find there an datasheet of this board, pinout schema, number of adc channels, etc...

  • CB1,

    Thank you. You are correct. The EK-TM4C123GXL (which you mentioned above) is the smallest development board for the TM4C family available from Texas Instruments.

  • Bob,

    Thank you - hopefully of interest to those here - comes now 2 added photos - one revealing (your firm's '123 LPad' - contrasted to one of our (many) custom boards) and then a board dating to, 'Pre 2010' - designed/built by predecessor (and acquired) firm - Luminary Micro Systems - similarly compared.

    That earlier board contained 2 items of note: - one a 48 pin QFP (LM3S811) AND a 'tiny, Graphic (96x16) OLED.'    (one here (may) have had (some) influence in the display's inclusion...)   

    It should be noted that (almost) ALL of my firm's boards support:

    • Graphic & Character Display Modules
    • in 'LCD, OLED, & VFD' Display Technologies - w/ (some) even in (uber robust) EL Graphic formats (ideal for extended temperature & shock/vibration (i.e. hostile environments!)
    • and (most) all of these displays mount to - & may overlap - the pcb's rear - further minimizing the Size of the, 'Control-Display' Combination

    Follows now the photo comparison between, 'One of our custom MCU-Display pcbs and ... ...  'Godzilla!'    (aka: EK-TM4C123 LPad)   Pay no attention to the 'smoke/fire' which arrived w/the 'beast.'

    And - here (today) is the 'EK-LM3S811 Eval Board' (uber-rare ... believe that we were 'gifted these' in/around 2007...)

    While 'Several sightings of 'Godzilla' were reported' - no buildings (nor people) were harmed (but for fire) - yet the, "Requests for 'higher square footage'  (Required for Tech Office Space - to accommodate such (LARGE) Eval Boards) were - very much in evidence..."     Go figure...

  • CB1,

    I have an question about the board that has 6cm ( the one without lcd ),  can be flashed/debugged with Tiva-C launchpad using code composer ?

    If the answer is yes can you provide me the connection between Tiva-C launchpad and the green board.

  • balauroiu radu said:
    ... can be flashed/debugged with Tiva-C launchpad using code composer ?

    Our board employs the (more recent) 'space saving - 10 pin (0.050" pitch) JTAG Header' (clearly noted - w/in the photos) - so if you can properly mate to that you should be (almost) fine.  (Do note that this reduced pitch board header employs 'thinner pins' than those found on the LPads - thus a 'normal connecting lead w/female socket' - may not yield a secure connection.)    Several header/connector vendors produce 'mating female sockets' for the (now almost standard) 10 pin, 0.050" pitch, JTAG Header.

    Suggest that you familiarize yourself (first) w/the various, 'JTAG Connection Methods' - this vendor has produced a nice,  'JTAG Connector Comparison write-up' -  which much boosts your understanding...   As your, 'Method of Connecting to the 'mini 10 pin JTAG Header' is 'unknown' (and is critical) - that must (first) be resolved...   (Note that we normally produce/provide product to OEMs - who have 'long mastered' this 'latest/greatest' 'Mini JTAG Header Connection.')

    Photo best illustrates: