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CCS/TMS320F28027F: Error -1142 @ 0x0

Part Number: TMS320F28027F
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8305, , C2000WARE, MOTORWARE, TMS320F28027, LAUNCHXL-F28027F

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


iam trying to run BLDC motor , iam using TMS320F28027F launch pad and DRV8305 boostxl . Please resolve my issue ..with better explanation since  iam a beginner123344.pdf

  • Hi,

    There isn't a whole lot of information here to give you specific suggestions.  I would suggest you try to connect CCS to the LauchPad first, without the DRV BoosterPack attached. Follow the quick start guide steps for the LaunchPad.

    If you continue to have issues, you can find some debug steps in this document:

  • i checked even JTAG is also fine According to above document .

    ERROR : C28xx: Trouble Reading Register PC: (Error -1142 @ 0x0) Device blocked debug access because it is currently executing non-debuggable code. Choose 'Rude Retry' to disable polite mode and force the operation. (Emulation package 5.1.641.0)

    still is coming , please clarify it exactly the debug steps please

  • Hi,

    Thank you for confirming the JTAG connection is "fine". It looks like you may be triggering the security features of the device designed to prevent reverse engineering of protected firmware. I have contacted a colleague to provide further assistance. 

  • Vasanth,

    There are numerous examples in C2000ware. C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_3_02_00_00\device_support\f2802x\examples\structs.

    Could you please run an example and check if you are able to setup breakpoints, enable continuous refresh of variables etc?

  • Also, if you are new to C2000 or CCS, please review the workshops at . TI has invested considerable resources to develop these self-paced workshops and most questions can be answered by reviewing the workshop material for your specific device family or its closest equivalent. The workshops are an excellent introduction to the basics of C2000 MCUs and the process of writing and running your first example. Good introductory videos about CCS are available at .

  • hi,

    this error is coming when i open instant spin FOC for identify the motor parmerter by the following  TI video. but not hppen

    Please find screen shot of error. 

    i hope u understand my problem

  • Hi,

    thank you for suggestion. Please solve the my issue what i posted please

  • Is your device secured with passwords?

  • There are numerous examples in C2000ware. C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_3_02_00_00\device_support\f2802x\examples\structs. Could you please run an example and check if you are able to setup breakpoints, enable continuous refresh of variables etc?

    Please complete the exercise above and let us know what you observe. It is important to know your setup (H/W & CCS) is working fine otherwise.

  • You might follow the InstaSPIN lab guide at the folder below in motorWare to run the related lab with CCS, to see if the lab works well with CCS on this board.


    And then follow the GUI guide to use the GUI, make sure that the appProgram.out is right for the kit you used.


  • HI ,

    1.i am following motor ware document and Gui guide as u mentioned above. even i verified with videos. as per hardware connection is same 

    but i observed the nfault led glowing in  boosterpack DRV8305EVM, but in any of videos that nfault led is not glowing.

    2.below link video i followed

    Please run your boards TMS320F28027 launch pad and boosterpack DRV8305EVM, so u will also comes to know my issue. so you can give better solution to me please

  • Sorry, I can't repeat the problem on my board as you mentioned above.

    Did you try to run the lab02b/lab02 with CCS following the lab guide? If yes? What happens?

    Did you copy and rename the proj_lab02b.out/roj_lab02c.out instead of the original appProgram.out at the folder (\ti\guicomposer\webapps\InstaSPIN_F2802xF_UNIVERSAL)?

    Did you change the example lab and add any variables in the original structs?

    Could you have a detailed description of the operation steps you did if possible?

  • Sorry, I can't repeat the problem on my board as you mentioned above.

    Ans: its ok... if u could it .. so u will understood as well as the solve my issue bit easily.

    Did you try to run the lab02b/lab02 with CCS following the lab guide? If yes? What happens?

    Ans: yes.

    error came as a   Critical Error x
    ERROR : C28xx: Trouble Reading Register PC: (Error -1142 @ 0x0) Device blocked debug access because it is currently executing non-debuggable code. Choose 'Rude Retry' to disable polite mode and force the operation. (Emulation package 5.1.641.0)

    Did you copy and rename the proj_lab02b.out/roj_lab02c.out instead of the original appProgram.out at the folder (\ti\guicomposer\webapps\InstaSPIN_F2802xF_UNIVERSAL)?


    Did you change the example lab and add any variables in the original structs?

    whatever i purchased BLDC motor already present in user.h ((Anaheim_BLY172S).. so no need to the parameters of motor.

    Even verified the motor parameter with datasheet of Anaheim_BLY172S motor . tit is correct only.

    Could you have a detailed description of the operation steps you did if possible?
    the following steps are followed
    1.Removed Jumpers 1, 2, 3 to isolate USB and power from BOOSTXL-DRV8305 on the LAUNCHXL-F28027F
    2.S1 set to ON-ON-ON to allow JTAG
    3.S4 set to OFF  (should be OFF to allow LaunchPad to drive fault LEDs of BoosterPack)
    4.connectedLAUNCHXL-F28027F to BOOSTXL-DRV8305 evm as shown in fig , given power supply of 24V,2A to BOOSTXL-DRV8305
    5.connected the USB to EVM andPC.DRivers are identified in PC as a attached fig2 ( device managers in pc)
    6.i imported the Motorware (C:\ti\motorware\motorware_1_01_00_18\sw\solutions\instaspin_foc\boards\boostxldrv8301_revB\f28x\f2802xF
    \projects\ccs) to CCS and used Lab5b to identify and run my motor first time. LAb5 Ti already wrote some defined motor inside the user .h, so checked parameters the my motor (Anaheim_BLY172S)
    8.then i done built to progect bye right clickng on the user.h( Finished building target: "proj_lab05b.out"),  the proj_lab05b.out was generated.
    9.copy to the webapp location(  C:\ti\guicomposer\webapps\InstaSPIN_F2802xF_UNIVERS )and rename the  proj_lab05b.out as a appProgram.out

    10.then simply runned the InstaSPIN_UNIVERSAL.exe
    11. error came as i attached it

    12. Even i followed the video also (/

    13. Jtag test also i done . it is successful


    M y request is  please address the error as earliest stage please . Please go through the error root cause (Error -1142 @ 0x0) Device blocked debug access)

  • 1. Please check the kit you used is LAUNCHXL-F28027F, not LAUNCHXL-F28027 that doesn't support InstaSPIN.

    2.  Make sure that USER_PWM_FREQ_kHz/USER_NUM_PWM_TICKS_PER_ISR_TICK is less than 18kHz.

    3. Don't remove Jumpers 1, 2, 3 on LaunchPad

    4. Clean and rebuild the project, try to run again. 

    If the kit still has the problem you mentioned above after you did these steps, that means the F28027F device on the LauchPad could be blocked or damaged.

  • HI,

    1. i purchased the TMS320F28027PTT version marked on MCU. so u mean to say that FOC blocked

    2. Is it possible to you to share the software by removing FOC Block? there any possible solution to run instant spin on TMS320F28027PTT version launchpad?

    4.Is it possible to run instant spin on TMS320F280379DZWTT launchpad?

    Please give solution to since i purchased already this launch pad (TMS320F28027PTT version launchpad and MS320F280379DZWTT launchpad)

  • All are NO. The InstaSPIN core code is stored in the ROM, is not released in Flash. You have to use the  LAUNCHXL-F28027F if you want to implement InstaSPIN.

    Please find the instaspin enabled C2000 MCU as the link below.