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MSP430G2755: Debugging and programming the device with the eZ-FET Emulator by 1.8V Supply

Part Number: MSP430G2755
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR2311, MSP-FET

Hi dear people,

my custom board with a MSP430G2755 should work with a supply of 1.8V.

Debugging and programming the device with the eZ-FET Emulator from the MSP430FR2311 oder similar Launchpad should be possible, following the information on SLAU664B,

However, I have two questions:

A: The XDS110 debuggers (which I cannot use) have level shifters to accommodate the voltages between board and emulator. I do not see them on the eZ-FET.
Are they not needed by the eZ-FET Emulator?

B: The datasheet of the MSP430G2755 says, that the recommended supply voltage during flash programming or erase should be min. 2.2V
Would it work with the 1.8V, or should I implement a way to increase the voltage during debugging/programming?

As usual I thank you for the help you always provide.

Best regards,


  • The ezFET on the Launchpads operates at a fixed voltage (3.3V) and doesn't have a VCC-sense capability. [Ref MSP430 Debuggers (SLAU647O) Table 1]

    The MSP-FET has an adjustable power supply and a voltage sense capability [Ref Sec 3.5]. I expect the programming procedure doesn't automatically adjust its VCC supply for purposes of Flash programming (2.2V) since it doesn't know what else is .on the target board, but using separate power and VCC--sense I expect you could do that.

  • B: The datasheet of the MSP430G2755 says, that the recommended supply voltage during flash programming or erase should be min. 2.2V
    Would it work with the 1.8V, or should I implement a way to increase the voltage during debugging/programming?

    No, flash operations on G2xx with voltage under 2.2V are not possible. AFAIK there is no TI tool that automatically support that option (flashing / debugging on 2.2V and free running on 1.8V).

  • Hi Gustavo,

    Add one more thing based on Bruce's comment. 

    The datasheet has said that the minimum supply voltage during flash program or erase should be 2.2V. Please use 2.2V or above to flash the chip.

    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

  • Hi Bruce, Zrno, Cash, many thanks for the answers, Now  is the thing cleared.

    Best regards,


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