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MSP430-IEC60730-SW-PACKAGE: FRAM Partition

Part Number: MSP430-IEC60730-SW-PACKAGE
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR2633


We are using MSP430FR2633 for one of our projects and implementing IEC60730 SW Package in it

The following memory partition is used in the example provided in the package

"FRAM_A : origin = 0xC400, length = 0x1154, fill = 0x3FFF
PC_TEST_SECTION_1 : origin = 0xD554, length = 0x0008, fill = 0x3FFF
FRAM_B : origin = 0xD55C, length = 0x154E, fill = 0x3FFF
PC_TEST_SECTION_2 : origin = 0xEAAA, length = 0x0008, fill = 0x3FFF
FRAM_C : origin = 0xEAB2, length = 0x14CE, fill = 0x3FFF"

Our application program is not able to fit into this as it is around of length 2500

So, is it fine to modify the partition sizes or the number of partitions. Would it affect the IEC60730 compliance.

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