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MSP430FR5043: The operation of an MSP430FR5043 by shifting the clock.

Part Number: MSP430FR5043


We are using the DCO at 8MHz on MSP430 and I am investigating whether it is possible to shift the DCO to 8.1MHz using the FR5043's functions. It seems that the FR4xx/FR2xx have a DCO trimming function that allows the frequency to be shifted. However, the FR5xx does not seem to have such a function.



Do you have any ideas?



  • Conor,

    The technique outlined by SLAA992 is only valid for MSP430FR4xxx/FR2xxx devices.  MSP430FR5043 has a fixed frequency DCO. If you wanted something specific outside these frequencies, you would need to feed the MCU a clock via the HFXT input pins, either through a crystal or in bypass mode with digital clock. 

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