MSP430I2020: Protections and Faults

Part Number: MSP430I2020


Hi There,

I am new to E-metering, and having circuits reference neutral and/or earth.

When I look at tidu454a page 13, I see the MSP430I2020 also references neutral. Assuming the circuit is completely enclosed and a user has no access to the circuit, and not thinking about how development is more dangerous due to the circuit being potentially "live", are there any AC Source fault conditions where the MSP430 could fail? IE, brown-outs, Line to Line shorts, either phase to earth short, anything at all? What if the circuit has to pass CE (so surge and all that)?

Cheers, Will



  • I think you can use a low DC voltage(< 3.3v) to monitor the failed condition, due to all the signals input to the MSP430 is <= vdd 3.3v to do the debug

  • Hi Gary, thanks for getting back but I'm not seeing how this is answering my questions? Please answer both or one of the questions specifically

  • ot thinking about how development is more dangerous due to the circuit being potentially "live"

    It is dangerous due to the AC voltage verify high, right? But this high voltage can't be sampled by MSP430 directly, due to MSP430 can just sample voltage that lower than the reference that should be lower than VDD(let say 3.3v), so you need to convert the high voltage to a voltage <3.3v signal, my point here is that you can use a signal that <3.3v to simulate the failure condition of the AC source like short or some.

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