MSP430F6736A: Accelerated life cycle calculation

Part Number: MSP430F6736A



The customer is calculating the accelerated life cycle based on SIEMENS' SN29500 for overseas MID certification.

If you look at the MSP430F6736AIPN document, it says 1.4 FIT in the MTBF/FIT column.

Please guide me which value of SN29500 document is correct.


  • Hi CHO,

    The MTBF/FIT describes the test environment and gives the FIT for customer reference.

    The table you shared is a die level specific reliablity, it is little different from the MTBF/FIT data. Please let custoemr check with the standard setting organization whether it could be refered.

    As for the information you asked, the MOS type and trnasistors range of the device, I do NOT find the public information for this. So if it is required for customer certification, so I suppose they should contact TI sales team for the NDA information.



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