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I've read several other threads with similar messages.
I've run "" (result: no update required).
Launchpad programs/runs/debugs included MSP430G2231
CCS Version:
Launchpad rev 1.4
New project (target MSP430G2402)
#include <msp430g2402.h>
void main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
P1DIR |= 0x01; // Set P1.0 to output direction
while (1) // Test P1.4
if ((0x10 & P1IN)) P1OUT |= 0x01; // if P1.4 set, set P1.0
else P1OUT &= ~0x01; // else reset
Clean build, but error when attempting to [Debug Active Target]
MSP430: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0xe000 on Page 0 of Length 0x46: This operation is not supported by this driver
Cannot write to target
UPDATE: Just downloaded CCS Version:
Still unable to program MSP430G2402
MSP430: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0xe000 on Page 0 of Length 0x46:
This operation is not supported by this driver. Cannot write to target
Hello Dean,
Which version you downloaded. Platinum or MCU core edition version. You need to activate proper license version according to the version of CCS. Just make sure youre launch pad is working fine and msp430G2402 is also in good condition. Have checked same on different Computer.
Thank you for your reply, I am using Code Composer Studio Core Edition
I have successfully programmed the MSP430G2231 and MSP430G2211 that came with the launchpad.
I have tried two brand new MSP430G2402, and both report:
MSP430: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0xe000 on Page 0 of Length 0x46:
This operation is not supported by this driver Cannot write to target
Hi Dean,
This error really looks like your launchpad still needs the firmware update.
Could you please try going to the following wiki page:
Download the updater there (that should be the most current version) and carefully follow all of the steps listed on that wiki page. In particular, you need to have one of the DIP parts in the Launchpad socket for an update to take place - maybe this is what did not happen before when you ran that other version of the updater.
I downloaded and followed the directions in the README.TXT
1) MSP430 IDE installed: CCS, MSP430 Application UART driver version installed
2) M430G2402 was installed in Launchpad
3) Ran LaunchPadFirmwareUpdater2.0.exe
Reports: "Firmware is up tp date"
Hi Dean,
A couple of things to try to diagnose what is happening:
It had only been a week since I programmed the 2211 & 2231, but I followed your advice to try again.
Sure enough, they no longer were being programmed either :-(
I can't imagine what I did to break it.
I uninstalled everything including drivers, and unplugged the Launchpad,
Next, Downloaded & installed CCS5.1.1.00028_win32 (I choose full install)
I kept the default location, built a new project and can now program 2211 & 2402
(I haven't tried the 2231 yet, but presume it will work as well)
Thank you to all who offered insight.
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