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i m working on msp430f4152. i was trying a sample led blink program.
#include "msp430x41x2.h"
void main()
int i=0;
The problem starts when i try to program the target board. I'm using a MSP-TS430M64 board. i 've tried the same code from Ver . 6 , 5.4 and now 4.2 of IAR. i ve tried is also woth 3 different debuggersand also tried changing the firmware from v3 to v2 . still the same results . the drivers are properly installed as i can find the device in the device manager . . All report the same problem of
Sun Mar 11 07:52:33 2012: Failed to load debugee: E:\project\code\msp430\sample\FDSAF\Debug\Exe\FDS.d43
Though the launchpad gets programmed just fine.
Once the debugger fails to download , both the power and mode led's on the debugger are always on. It did program before as my friends used it in programming for ADC .
i 'm using win 7 32 home premium version . Please let me know if the something can be done .
I don't know your board or device, so please forgive me if this is just noise.
Have you told the IAR which device your using, and which debugger you're using? For assembler, this information is supplied via Project>Options from the main menu. I've had similar problems, but in ASM not C.
i'm using msp430f4152 with MSP-TS430PM64 target board and TI USB IF debugger . i ve changed the programming options from automatic to jtag and back. i ve also changed the target controller option to select he same device. The first time I had used the board and the debugger it had worked. it had worked on IAR 4.2 .But now i have installed 5.4 . it has updated my debugger and since then not worked. I ve down graded the the firmware as given in this website . It has not made a difference . i've tried iar 3.2 ,4.2 , 5.4 and 6.0.The board shows the same error.
thank you for your time
THe link to the website doesnt seem to be working . so i' ve added it here again .
This error message seems to indicate that the debugger cannot load the debug information for the project. it has nothing to do with the source code, drivers, FET firmware or the target not being found or unknown.suraj shanbhag87992 said:Failed to load debugee: E:\project\code\msp430\sample\FDSAF\Debug\Exe\FDS.d43
Maybe there is a problem with access rights, UAC, path settings..
Does this file even exist? If not, why? Does the path match the project path?
this happened again with the launchpad too. but then i used override default option in the
project options>linker>output
the .d43 file had this
this seemed to make it work .
then i tried the same with the UIF debugger and it did not make a difference.It again updated the firmware from v2 to v3 and gave the same error.
the .d43 file was present and had something like this.
Sir, can you elaborate on exactly what those settings are . The access rights , UAC and is it the project directory path .?
thank you.
Unfortunately, your pasted text doesn't show on my system. I guess you're using a japanese or chinese windows?
sir the text form the debug file itself is in weird ascii. It is in that form in both working and non working code.I do not know what it means.
Sir i believe we have found a solution for this problem. The link below has the details.
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