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"MSP430: Can't Single Step Target Program: Could not single step device"

Hi, when I try to singelstep in CCE v4 I get this message "MSP430: Can't Single Step Target Program: Could not single step device", I don't really know why or how to fix this problem? To test that it was not my code I also have tested with an new project and sample code for the MCU I have, the programmer also has the newest firmware (it got updated before my first launch).

Anyone who can help me out here? [:)]

  • May be this post will help:

    Also hopefully the firmware on your USB debugger is up to date.
    One thing that may be done: There is a free tool made by ELPROTRONIC ( for the FET 430UIF. This tool also reflashes the FET430UIF if it is not the correct version to work with their software.

    Despite the error, are you able to put a breakpoint somewhere in the code and run it?
    I recommend the following:
    1. Create a brand new project using the following to make that the project settings are correct:

    2. Use a TI Target board if possible to run this test:

  • Well I'm sorry to say that this did not help that much... I followed the instructions and it still did not work, same problem, although I'm not using CCE v3, I use CCE v4. I have an brand new TI Target board an MSP-FET430u28. I guess I have to try out CCE v3 also since that program you liked to does not seam to work.

  • Good news, now it's working! I don't really know why but I installed CCE v3 and it updated the firmware (again, it was done in CCE v4 before) and after that it worked in CCE v3, after that I tried with CCE v4 again and then it started with updating the firmware (again) and after that it worked in CCE v4 as well! [:)]

    I guess maybe something got wrong when I updated the firmware the first time maybe, however now it works thanks for the tips anyway.

  • Hi, I have the same error. After i leave the interrupt vector it goes back to the end of GoToSleep function and pops up the error.

    void GoToSleep()
    TA0CCR0 = 5; 
    TACCTL0 = CCIE; // CCR0 interrupt enabled
    TACTL = TASSEL_2 + MC_1;
    _BIS_SR(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Go to sleep in low power mode 0 , with interrupts enabled.

    #pragma vector=TIMERA0_VECTOR
    __interrupt void Timer_A0(void)
    PSU_ON(); // just a function for the LEDs
    CCR0 += 5; // Add Offset to CCR0
    PSU_OFF(); just a function for the LEDs

    Any suggestions what might cause the problem?



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