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I am trying to use cc430f5137 and CCS to make a sensor network (more specificly a WizziMote). I have run into an interesting problem I need help solving. The program is still at a simple state. It does two things. Goes to sleep and waits for user input. The user can ask to listen for a node and test the range of the node. Upon receive it spits out the node ID and it's RSSI in hex form.
At first I got the receiving function working individually, then I tried to add the UART interrupt and the program froze when there was a user input. I hit pause and got:
"No source available for "0x2bd0" "
So I place a breakpoint in the interrupt get into the interrupt and start to step thru the interrupt and at the end of the interrupt I get:
"MSP430: Can't Single Step Target Program: Could not single step device"
So, I go back and make a program that has a user UART interrupt and works. Then add the radio option and get the same thing in the radio interrupt. Upon receiving a transmission it doesn't freeze but ignores the transmission. So I place a breakpoint in the receive interrupt. I step through the interrupt and at the end get:
"MSP430: Can't Single Step Target Program: Could not single step device"
So I do it again, and this time when I get to the break point I click play. Now it freezes. So I hit pause and get:
"No source available for "0x2bd0" "
Interesting huh? There's a work around for this, just don't go to sleep, but how boring and wasteful. Below is the code.
Anyone got any ideas how to further test this situation to figure out the problem?
#include <cc430f5137.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "RF1A.h"
void blinkup(void);
void blinkdown(void);
void init(void);
void ReceiveOn(void);
void ReceiveOff(void);
void Transmit(unsigned char *t, unsigned char length);
void UserMenu(void);
void printstring(char []);
void PrintUserMenu(void);
char getch(void);
void placechar(char);
void wait2Receive(void);
unsigned int state = 0;
unsigned char transmitting = 0;
unsigned char receiving = 0;
unsigned char RxBuffer[64];
unsigned char RxBufferLength=0;
unsigned char temp[12] = "Hello World!";
void main(void) {
WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
blinkup(); blinkdown(); blinkup(); blinkdown();
printstring("\r\n\nWelcome to Mike's Sink program. Press any key to begin\r\n");
for (;;) {
switch (state) {
case 0: //goto sleep
__bis_SR_register (LPM0_bits +GIE);
case 1: //User Menu
default: //don't know how you got here
state = 0; //but I know how to get you out...
void wait2Receive(void) {
char str[20];
state = 2;
printstring("Test target range. Press esc to exit...\r\n");
while (state == 2) {
__bis_SR_register( LPM3_bits + GIE ); //wait to receive
if (state == 2) { //esc wasn't pressed
P1OUT ^= BIT7; //turn on red light
while (!(UCA0IFG & UCTXIFG)); //wait for buffer to get ready
RxBufferLength = ReadSingleReg(RXBYTES);
ReadBurstReg(RF_RXFIFORD, RxBuffer, RxBufferLength);
//Check CRC results
if (RxBuffer[RxBufferLength-1] & BIT7) {
P1OUT ^= BIT7; //turn off red if CRC ok...
printstring("CRC OK");
else printstring ("CRC Failed ");
sprintf(str, "Node #%i %d\r\n", RxBuffer[1], RxBuffer[RxBufferLength-2]);
printstring("Exiting test target range. Press any key to enter User menu.\r\n");
void UserMenu() {
char input;
while (state == 1) {
input = getch();
if (input == '1') blinkup();
else if (input == '2') blinkdown();
else if (input == '3') wait2Receive();
else if (input == 'u' || input == 'U') PrintUserMenu();
else if (input == 'z' || input == 'Z') {
printstring("good any key to return\r\n");
state = 0;
void PrintUserMenu(void) {
printstring("| 1. blink lights up |\r\n");
printstring("| 2. blink lights down |\r\n");
printstring("| 3. Wait to receive (Test range) |\r\n");
printstring("| u. redisplay User Menu |\r\n");
printstring("| z. exit |\r\n");
void printstring(char word []) {
int i =0;
while (word[i] != 0x00) {
void placechar(char c) {
while (!(UCA0IFG & UCTXIFG)); //wait for buffer to get ready
char getch (void) {
//wait for user input
while (!(UCA0IFG & UCRXIFG));
return UCA0RXBUF;
void blinkup (void) {
P1OUT = 0X80;
P1OUT = 0;
P3OUT = 0x80;
P3OUT = 0x40;
P3OUT = 0;
void blinkdown (void) {
P3OUT = 0x40;
P3OUT = 0x80;
P3OUT = 0;
P1OUT = 0x80;
P1OUT = 0;
void ReceiveOn (void) {
RF1AIES |= BIT9; //Falling edge of RFIFG9
RF1AIFG &= ~BIT9; //Clear pending interrupts
RF1AIE |= BIT9; //Enable the interrupt
//Radio is in IDLE following a TX, so strobe SRX to enter Receive Mode
void ReceiveOff(void) {
RF1AIE &= ~BIT9; //Disable RX interrupts
RF1AIFG &= ~BIT9; //Clear pending IFG
//It is possible that ReceiveOff is called while radio is receiving a packet.
//Therefore, it is necessary to flush the RX FIFO after issuing IDLE strobe
//such that the RXFIFO is empty prior to receiving a packet
void Transmit(unsigned char *t, unsigned char length) {
RF1AIES |= BIT9; //High low transition select
RF1AIFG &= ~BIT9; //Clear pending interrupts
RF1AIE |= BIT9; //enable TX end-of-packet interrupt
WriteBurstReg(RF_TXFIFOWR, t, length); //put char in TX que
Strobe(RF_STX); //I want to transmit
#pragma vector = USCI_A0_VECTOR
__interrupt void USCI_A0_ISR (void) {
unsigned char ch = 0;
switch(__even_in_range(UCA0IV, 4)) {
case 0: break; //Vector 0 - no interrupt
case 2: //Vector 2 - RXIF
while (!(UCA0IFG & UCTXIFG)); //Input happened
if (state == 2) {
if (ch == 0x1B) {
else if (state == 0) {
state = 1;
case 4: break; //Vector 4 - TXIFG
default: break;
#pragma vector=CC1101_VECTOR
__interrupt void CC1101_ISR(void) {
switch(__even_in_range(RF1AIV,32)) { //Prioritizing Radio Core Interrupt
case 0: break; // No RF core interrupt pending
case 2: break; // RFIFG0
case 4: break; // RFIFG1
case 6: break; // RFIFG2
case 8: break; // RFIFG3
case 10: break; // RFIFG4
case 12: break; // RFIFG5
case 14: break; // RFIFG6
case 16: break; // RFIFG7
case 18: break; // RFIFG8
case 20: // RFIFG9
case 22: break; // RFIFG10
case 24: break; // RFIFG11
case 26: break; // RFIFG12
case 28: break; // RFIFG13
case 30: break; // RFIFG14
case 32: break; // RFIFG15
// Interrupt Service Routines
//#pragma vector = PORT1_VECTOR
//__interrupt void P1_ISR(void) {
// switch (__even_in_range(P1IV,16))
// {
// case 0: //Nothing
// break;
// case 2: //Port P1.0
// break;
// case 4: //Port P1.1
// break;
// case 6: //Port P1.2
// break;
// case 8: //Port P1.3
// break;
// case 10: //Port P1.4
// blinkdown();
// P1IFG &= ~BIT4;
// break;
// case 12: //Port P1.5
// printstring("Quit pressing my buttons...\r\n");
// P1IFG &= ~BIT5;
// break;
// case 14: //Port P1.6
// blinkup();
// P1IFG &= ~BIT6;
// break;
// case 16: //Port P1.7
// break;
// }
void init (void) {
P1DIR = 0x80; //red LED output
P3DIR = 0xC0; //others
P1OUT = 0;
P3OUT = 0; //everybody is output
//push buttons
P1IES |= 0x70; //clear previous push button interrupts
P1IFG = 0;
// P1IE = 0x70; //enable push button interrupts
// ACLK = REF0 = 32 kHz, MCLK = SMCLK = 8MHz, XT2 = 26 MHz external crystal //
UCSCTL3 |= SELREF_2; //Set DCO FLL referenece = REF0
UCSCTL4 |= SELA_2; //Set ACLK = REF0
__bis_SR_register(SCG0); //Disable the FLL control loop
UCSCTL0 = 0x0000; //Set lowest possible DCOx, MODx
UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_3; //Select DCO range 16 MHz operation
UCSCTL6 &= ~(XT2OFF); //enable XT2 for 26MHz
UCSCTL2 = FLLD_1 + 127; //Set DCO Multipler for 8 MHz
//(N+1)*FLLRef = Fdco
//(249+1)*32768 = 8MHz
//Set FLL Div = fDCOCLK/2
__bic_SR_register(SCG0); //Enable the FLL control loop
__delay_cycles(250000); //allow for settling
//Loop until XT1, XT2 & DCO fault flag is cleared
do {
//clear XT2, XT1, DCO fault flags
SFRIFG1 &= ~OFIFG; //clear fault flags
} while (SFRIFG1 & OFIFG); //Test oscilator fault flag
PMAPPWD = 0x02D52; //get write-access to port mapping regs
P2MAP0 = PM_UCA0RXD; //map UCA0RXD output to P2.0
P2MAP1 = PM_UCA0TXD; //map UCA0TXD output to P2.1
PMAPPWD = 0; //lock port mapping registers
P2DIR |= BIT1; //Set P2.1 as Tx output
P2SEL |= BIT1 + BIT0; //Set P2.0 & P2.1 to UART function
UCA0CTL1 |= UCSWRST; //put state machine in reset
UCA0BR0 = 3; //32kHz/9600 = 3.41
UCA0BR1 = 0; //yea...
// UCA0ABCTL |= BIT0; //AutoBaud rate detect enabled
UCA0MCTL = UCBRS_3 + UCBRF_0; //Modulation UCBRSx=3, UCBRFx=0
UCA0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; //Initialize USCI state machine
UCA0IE |= UCRXIE; //Enable USCI_A0 RX interrupt
RF_SETTINGS rfSettings = {
0x06, // FSCTRL1 Frequency synthesizer control.
0x00, // FSCTRL0 Frequency synthesizer control.
0x10, // FREQ2 Frequency control word, high byte.
0xA7, // FREQ1 Frequency control word, middle byte.
0x62, // FREQ0 Frequency control word, low byte.
0xF8, // MDMCFG4 Modem configuration.
0x83, // MDMCFG3 Modem configuration.
0x03, // MDMCFG2 Modem configuration.
0x20, // MDMCFG1 Modem configuration.
0x00, // MDMCFG0 Modem configuration.
0x00, // CHANNR Channel number.
0x15, // DEVIATN Modem deviation setting (when FSK modulation is enabled).
0x56, // FREND1 Front end RX configuration.
0x10, // FREND0 Front end RX configuration.
0x18, // MCSM0 Main Radio Control State Machine configuration.
0x16, // FOCCFG Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration.
0x6C, // BSCFG Bit synchronization Configuration.
0x03, // AGCCTRL2 AGC control.
0x40, // AGCCTRL1 AGC control.
0x91, // AGCCTRL0 AGC control.
0xE9, // FSCAL3 Frequency synthesizer calibration.
0x2A, // FSCAL2 Frequency synthesizer calibration.
0x00, // FSCAL1 Frequency synthesizer calibration.
0x1F, // FSCAL0 Frequency synthesizer calibration.
0x59, // FSTEST Frequency synthesizer calibration.
0x81, // TEST2 Various test settings.
0x35, // TEST1 Various test settings.
0x09, // TEST0 Various test settings.
0x47, // FIFOTHR RXFIFO and TXFIFO thresholds.
0x0B, // IOCFG2 GDO2 output pin configuration.
0x06, // IOCFG0D GDO0 output pin configuration.
0x04, // PKTCTRL1 Packet automation control.
0x05, // PKTCTRL0 Packet automation control.
0x00, // ADDR Device address.
0xFF // PKTLEN Packet length.
//Set the High-Power Mode Request Enable bit so LPM3 can be entered
//with active radio enabled
PMMCTL0_H = 0xA5;
PMMCTL0_H = 0x00;
Usually source doesnot exists message appers when there is a kind error in return value (Well I observed this in my code) . Can u please point out lines which r not be allowed to single step . and whre it freezed. also please use syntax highlighter when posting code, this make it readable/. :)
It freezes (in this example) when leaving the CC1101 interrupt service routine.
#pragma vector=CC1101_VECTOR
__interrupt void CC1101_ISR(void) {
switch(__even_in_range(RF1AIV,32)) { //Prioritizing Radio Core Interrupt
case 0: break; // No RF core interrupt pending
case 2: break; // RFIFG0
case 4: break; // RFIFG1
case 6: break; // RFIFG2
case 8: break; // RFIFG3
case 10: break; // RFIFG4
case 12: break; // RFIFG5
case 14: break; // RFIFG6
case 16: break; // RFIFG7
case 18: break; // RFIFG8
case 20: // RFIFG9
case 22: break; // RFIFG10
case 24: break; // RFIFG11
case 26: break; // RFIFG12
case 28: break; // RFIFG13
case 30: break; // RFIFG14
case 32: break; // RFIFG15
It hits the SR register and then the closing brackets and freezes...
Yes it does,
Under Case 20 of ISR the micro enters in to sleep mode 3 and just sits there until a Global interrupt happens.
To avoid this problem u can start checking by pressing a button if u have.
Are you sure, that you are setting Interrupt here.
Any way, I think it is doing what it supposed to do. Just to track down how it is flowing. I would do something like.
1. Add a button and a Port ISR to cath button interrupt.
2. Press button once the programme is in Case 20 of CC110 ISR. Upon Button press, Do single step and enter to Port Isr.
3. Here do __bic_SR_register_on _exit(LPM3_bits);
at this stage code flows freely until it hits the CC1101 interupt again.
Sure...that's not hard.
Here's the results. I un-comment P1_ISR interrupt and it works as expected. Even when it seems to be ignoring the transmission. Press one buttons lights blink up. Another they blink down. The middle button give a smart alack message to the UART. These work all through the program, BUT add __bis_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits); and the same thing happens. I place a break point at that line of code and upon stepping through the interrupt I get:
MSP430: Can't Single Step Target Program: Could not single step device
However, if I remove the breakpoint it simply ignores that line and the other push buttons still interrupt as expected. There is a breakpoint set for the line after the sleep command, so upon waking up I'd hit that break point. I never hit that break point.
Interestingly, the other program where the timer interrupt causes this problem removing the transmission allows the program to flow freely. Originally I'd like to wait 1 minute, blink my lights and transmit and ACK to the sink from the node. I was doing this in the interrupt; however, I was telling the interrupt to goto sleep till it finishes transmitting (this brought an uneasy feeling). The timer gets set as expected, the lights blink, transmission gets sent, but never wakes up. I expect the finish transmitting flag to wake it up.
So, I remove the sleep function and add a delay cycles 200k. This works once and then reboots the chip. Removing the transmit and wait functions causes the timer cycles to run perfectly. I am now going to try and take the code out of the timer ISR and place it in the main code and just continuously go to sleep. Don't worry about this issue, just thought it might shed some light on the 1st issue (Case 20).
Your __bis_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits+GIE) causes the CPU to stop and shut off the CPU and clocks right when it is fetching the return address from stack (because on the clock cycle before, it was reading the saved status register and therefore the now set LMP bits from stack). I guess the debugger is unable to cope with it, as it expects a dynamic breakpoint at the return address to be hit (which doesn’t happen due to the stopped CPU). When a timeout occurs, it gives the error message.
In detail:
- CPU reads the return instruction
- CPU reads status register (and LPM bits) from stack
- CPU reads return address from stack. Here the MCLK stops due to the LPM bits.
- next MCLK cycle, CPU would read the next isntruction from the return address and ttrigger the single-stepping breakpoint, but thois MCLk cycle never comes due rto LPM. Instead ...
- on next interrupt, CPU will push the reetrun address back on the stack and teh statis regiers, then clear the LPm bits, and enter the next ISR.
And the debugger wonders why the CPU didn't proceed to the next instruction at the return address. And complains.
Simply put: you can't single-step across an LPM entry. Whether it is caused by directly setting the LPM bits, or by fetching the status register with set LPM bits (scpecifically CPUOFF) from stack.
No. I don't think so.
I've seen CCS recover from telling it to wake up. Besides I'm not telling it to goto sleep. I'm telling it to wake up on exit of interrupt. BTW-I removed the +GIE and changed bis to bic. No effect. My host node still has me scratching my head.
Nope, nope, nope.
Yall were right. User error. Thanks for the debugging advise.
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