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MSP430: Can't Single Step Target Program: Could not single step device

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F6736

Hello everyone,

I am currently using the EVM MSP430F6736 on CCS 6.1.0, and using the Energy Library with the provided code by TI.

I am stuck at point because of the following error: "MSP430: Can't Single Step Target Program: Could not single step device". Moreover, I get in the debug mode this: "0x00000B (no symbols are defined for 0x00000B)"  (see below)

If I click on this one, a window opens itself and proposes me to View disassembly, which doesn't really help me.

It's a very long code, so I won't post everything, just the part where I get stuck.

#if defined(VRMS_SUPPORT)  ||  defined(POWER_FACTOR_SUPPORT)
        sqac_voltage(phase->metrology.dot_prod.V_sq, V_sample);

        /* We need to save the history of the voltage signal if we are performing phase correction, and/or
           measuring the quadrature shifted power (to obtain an accurate measure of one form of the reactive power). */
        phase->metrology.V_history[(int) phase->metrology.V_history_index] = V_sample; ////// PROBLEM HERE: Debug error: MSP430: Can't Single Step Target Program: Could not single step device
        I_corrected = adc_i_buffer[ph];
        if ((I_corrected >= I_ADC_MAX  ||  I_corrected <= I_ADC_MIN)  &&  phase->metrology.current.I_endstops)

Does anyone have an idea of what could cause this problem?

If you need more code of information to answer me, do not hesitate to ask me.

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