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AM625: MCU_PLUS_SDK_AM62x_08_06_00_18: Loading M4F examples from remoteproc fail

Part Number: AM625
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG

From my tests the example  ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux works fine.

I'm not able to get the hello_world example working fine, neither on  TI EVK nor on my custom board.

I spent a few time to debug the issue and i realized that the hello_world example does not declare “.resource_table“ in the generated file ti_drivers_config.cThe declaration of .resource_table in the M4F binaries avoid to see the following linux failure starting M4F core from remoteproc.

echo start > /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state 
[ 661.357920] remoteproc remoteproc0: powering up 5000000.m4fss
[ 661.364021] remoteproc remoteproc0: Booting fw image am62-mcu-m4f0_0-fw, size 28332
[ 661.371924] remoteproc remoteproc0: Boot failed: -22
-sh: echo: write error: Invalid argument
Debugging the kernel source code i found the error is generated here:
From my understanding i can see two possible approaches
  1. Add the “.resource_table“ to all the examples that are currently missing it
  2. Provide a dummy table in the above driver to simulate the required info

Are you already working on this topic? If yes, do you plain to release an update shortly? If no, do you suggest any of the above two approaches ?



  • Hi Nick

    Thanks for quickly replay

    I would like to use "Approach #2: Manually add an empty resource table to the MCU+ Project ". I tested the patches 0001-Enable-Linux-load-no-IPC.-debug-logs-enabled.patch and 0001-Enable-Linux-load-no-IPC-no-debug-logs.patch. Booting the kernel the example works fine, i see the "Hello World!" message printed on M4F console but when i tried to stop the remote processor from linux user space i see the following error:

    cat /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state
    echo stop > /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state
    [ 40.147127] k3-m4-rproc 5000000.m4fss: k3_m4_rproc_stop : timed out waiting for rproc completion event
    [ 40.156543] remoteproc remoteproc0: can't stop rproc: -16

    I observed the same behavior using "Approach #1: Add Linux IPC to the MCU+ Project "



  • Hello Francesco,


    Graceful shutdown of remote cores is not supported until SDK 9.0. For now, please reboot the processor if you want to load new firmware into the remote core.

    More details

    Putting this Linux academy link here in case it is useful to you going forward:

    Technically, graceful shutdown of remote cores is not supported in SDK 8.6 and earlier SDK releases (as per the note in the above Linux Academy page, and in the Linux SDK IPC docs). We are planning on officially supporting graceful shutdown of remote cores in AM64x and AM62x starting in SDK 9.0.

    However, the behavior you are observing is new to SDK 8.6. If I recall my discussion with the developers correctly, they might have finished adding support for gracefully shutting down M4F ONLY on AM62x ONLY before SDK 8.6 - that is why you see Linux waiting to hear back from the M4F before shutting it down (instead of just blindly powering off the core, like you would see in SDK 8.5 and earlier).

    In order for graceful shutdown to work, from the Linux side the driver needs to notify the remote core that it will be shut down soon (to give the remote core time to release all its resources and go into a known good state). But then from the remote core side, the remote core must be able to RECEIVE that message and know what to do with it. My suspicion is that the remote core side of graceful shutdown is not being added to the project with the information currently in my FAQ.

    The developers haven't provided any documentation for how this works since they're still in the process of implementing it. But I'll ask them if there is something like an easy SysConfig setting you can flip to add the remote core side of graceful shutdown support to your project.



  • Hello Francesco,

    I ran a quick test with the RPMsg Echo binary that is packaged into the AM62x SDK 8.6 default filesystem image, and it seems to shut down gracefully:

    root@am62xx-evm:~# echo stop > /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state
    [  309.550932] remoteproc remoteproc0: stopped remote processor 5000000.m4fss

    Can I get you to check to see if the ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux project in the MCU+ SDK will also shut down gracefully? If so, we might be able to do a diff of the project files to figure out how to enable graceful shutdown (e.g., example.syscfg). When I do a quick scan of the SDK 8.6 ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux project's example.syscfg, I don't see any obvious changes from SDK 8.5, but I have not done a deep dive at this point.



  • Hi Nick

    The ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux project in the MCU+ SDK shut down gracefully even for me

    Can you test an M4F example other than ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux? for example hello_world

    However i found a workaround that fixes the M4F examples where the resource table is not declared and even the shut down issue:

    With these patches no changes to the M4F examples are needed. What do you think about the above patches?



  • Hello Francesco,

    It looks like the code difference is in the project's .c file, examples/drivers/ipc/ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux/ipc_rpmsg_echo.c. You can see the difference by doing a diff between the SDK 8.5 code and the SDK 8.6 code, if you want to try to get it working.

    Please keep in mind that graceful shutdown is NOT officially supported by TI until SDK 9.0. It may not be completely tested yet, and if you have trouble getting it working, I will not be able to offer support.



  • In terms of the patches you linked:

    These are not changes that I will be able to support. The suggestion would be to wait until SDK 9.0 for graceful shutdown to be added, or to check out my response above:

    1) enabling Remoteproc to load M4F and R5F code without requiring a resource table:

    PRU cores can be loaded without a resource table. A while back, I asked the developers whether it was feasible to add the same functionality for M4F and R5F cores. Their response was that it would require significant modifications to support both with and without:

    "The PRUs are considered to be microcontrollers compared to the R5Fs and DSPs which are considered General Purpose...and these will require the generic IPC. The non-IPC firmwares for R5Fs and DSPs would be a very niche usecase. Do you have a strong reason to support the non resource-table firmwares for R5F and M4F? You would have to unplumb a lot in the driver to ensure the support with and without... PRUs follow the client-driver boot methodology where you have an PRU Application driver establish its own communication with its corresponding firmware.....that is not expected for R5Fs/DSPs or IPUs/DSPs on Vayu (AM57x). Also, be mindful that PRUs do not have an late-attach/IPC-only scheme."

    2. removing the checks for remote core ready for shutdown:

    Even if Linux didn't wait for an ACK before shutting down the remote cores, graceful shutdown would still not be supported. Why?

    a) resource allocation: when the AM62x remote cores come up, if they are using any peripherals or system resources, they request those resources from the device manager code running on the R5F. Those resources are then locked, and nobody else is able to use them. If the remote cores are not brought down gracefully, then those resources are not released. That means the next time the remote core boots and requests the resources, its request will be denied because the device manager thinks the peripherals are still in use.

    b) "known good" state: When the remote core is shut down without warning, it is not placed in a known good state. We have seen kernel crashes and other instability issues when bringing a remote core down and then back up again without rebooting the entire processor.



  • Hi Nick

    Thanks for you support

    Basically i'm trying to port the SDK 8.6 to my AM62x Board to support my customers but now i'm a bit confused.

    If I understand correctly the M4F/R5F examples should all be based on the ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux example to work fine. Also the nortos examples to implement the ipc_rp_mbox_callback function to support shutdown from linux. I experimented with this trying to fix the hello_world example.

    When do you plan to release the SDK 9.0?



  • Hello Francesco,

    SDK 9.0 timeframe 

    Summer 2023, probably around July 2023 (actual release date depends on testing, etc). I would be very surprised if this was released later than August 2023.


    Yeah, this is kinda complex. To summarize:

    1) ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux is the only MCU+ project than can be loaded by Linux remoteproc driver by default (because remoteproc requires a resource table). All the other MCU+ projects are written as if they will be loaded by CCS, or the SBL boot you can find in the MCU+ SDK. If you are using Linux remoteproc to load a remote core, then I assume you are using SPL boot (i.e., the "regular" Linux boot).

    * How to modify an MCU+ project to be able to be loaded by Linux remoteproc driver:
    * SPL information: 
    * SBL information: 

    2) As of SDK 8.6, the official TI guidance is that graceful shutdown of a remote core is not supported. If you want to load new firmware into a remote core, we suggest rebooting the board (instead of doing echo > stop, echo > start) 

    If you want to try to implement graceful shutdown on your own on SDK 8.6, I cannot guarantee that it will work without issues. However, it looks like you can reference how this file changed between SDK 8.5 and SDK 8.6 if you want to try to add the functionality from the MCU+ project side: examples/drivers/ipc/ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux/ipc_rpmsg_echo.c

    NOTE TO FUTURE READERS: This graceful shutdown partial implementation mentioned above was added in SDK 8.6 to the Linux driver for AM62x M4F only. It can NOT be done on SDK 8.5 or earlier, and it can NOT be done for any processor or any core other than AM62x M4F. So if you're an AM64x customer looking to do graceful shutdown with either M4F or R5F... you will just have to wait until SDK 9.0.

