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AM625: user applications on R5F?

Hello Nick

Thanks for your help

Just a clarification:

If I understood fine the R5F core is dedicated for boot loading and device management and than it is not available to user applications.

If I'm right I'm wondering,  how might my customers use the R5F examples?



original thread:

  • Hello Francesco,

    wait - we can now develop RTOS software on the AM62x R5F core?

    You are correct: The AM62x R5F core takes care of boot loading and runs the device management software for the entirety of the time the processor is powered on. In SDK 8.2 - SDK 8.5, the R5F core was dedicated for ONLY running that software.

    However, the R5F core is running FreeRTOS, and the device management software is a task running on that RTOS. That means that you can also run other tasks on the same R5F core. So starting in SDK 8.6, we support general purpose development on the R5F (you will now see R5F listed in the MCU+ SDK 8.6 Introduction and Release Notes).

    Development resources 

    We are still putting together resources on how to run user applications alongside the device manager tasks. You can find getting started information in the developer guide "Developing applications on Device Manager/Wake-up R5 core"

    Obviously there is a ton of information not covered in that guide (e.g., I am not sure whether we have benchmarked how the device manager task impacts the real-time behavior of other tasks running on the R5). And this is the first software release where TI is supporting a feature like this, so we are learning alongside you.

    If you have any questions, feedback, etc, please reach out to us. It will help us to create better documentation around this new feature!

