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compiler example mcan loopback interrupt has no am62a-mcu-r5f0_0-fw
boot mode:tf card
on mcu_plus_sdk_am62ax_08_06_00_18\examples\drivers\mcan\mcan_loopback_interrupt\am62ax-sk\mcu-r5fss0-0_freertos\ti-arm-clang directory
fix makefile on the same directory
--- a/mcu_plus_sdk_am62ax_08_06_00_18/examples/drivers/mcan/mcan_loopback_interrupt/am62ax-sk/mcu-r5fss0-0_freertos/ti-arm-clang/makefile +++ b/mcu_plus_sdk_am62ax_08_06_00_18/examples/drivers/mcan/mcan_loopback_interrupt/am62ax-sk/mcu-r5fss0-0_freertos/ti-arm-clang/makefile @@ -172,6 +172,8 @@ $(OUTNAME): syscfg $(SYSCFG_GEN_FILES) $(OBJS) $(LNK_FILES) $(LIBS_NAME) @echo . @echo Linking: am62ax:mcu-r5fss0-0:freertos:ti-arm-clang $@ ... $(LNK) $(LNKOPTFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) $(LIBS_PATH) -Wl,-m=$(basename $@).map -o $@ $(addprefix $(OBJDIR), $(OBJS)) $(LIBS) $(LNK_FILES) + $(RM) am62a-mcu-r5f0_0-fw + $(STRIP) -p $@ -o=am62a-mcu-r5f0_0-fw @echo Linking: am62ax:mcu-r5fss0-0:freertos:ti-arm-clang $@ Done !!! @echo . @@ -179,6 +181,7 @@ clean: @echo Cleaning: am62ax:mcu-r5fss0-0:freertos:ti-arm-clang $(OUTNAME) ... $(RMDIR) $(OBJDIR) $(RM) $(OUTNAME) + $(RM) am62a-mcu-r5f0_0-fw $(RM) $(BOOTIMAGE_NAME) $(RM) $(BOOTIMAGE_NAME_XIP) $(RM) $(BOOTIMAGE_NAME_SIGNED) @@ -191,6 +194,7 @@ clean: scrub: @echo Scrubing: am62ax:mcu-r5fss0-0:freertos:ti-arm-clang mcan_loopback_interrupt ... $(RMDIR) obj + $(RM) am62a-mcu-r5f0_0-fw ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) $(RM) \*.out $(RM) \*.map
but push the bin instead of /lib/firmware/pdk-ipc/am62a-mcu-r5f0_0-fw
power on board, It has no print,I can't boot
I put the binary below ,It can boot
why mcu_plus_sdk_am62ax_08_06_00_18\examples\drivers\mcan\mcan_loopback_interrupt\am62ax-sk\mcu-r5fss0-0_freertos\ti-arm-clang\am62a-mcu-r5f0_0-fw can't boot up
I see doc on mcu_plus_sdk_am62ax_08_06_00_18/docs/api_guide_am62ax/EXAMPLES_DRIVERS_MCAN_LOOPBACK_INTERRUPT.html
It's can boot
what's wrong with my operations?
Hi, I am assuming your goal is to test external MCAN communication, we can discuss further steps in the follow-up thread.
(4) SK-AM62A-LP: mcu-mcan can't no receive data from can box - Processors forum - Processors - TI E2E support forums
Yes,although I can port my code to other example that can run ,I want to find why this example binary can't run
The mcan_loopback_interrupt example with default settings is not working because in IPC (option “Linux A53 IPC RP Message”) is not enabled.
2) Manually add an empty resource table to the MCU+ Project
Refer to this document for detailed steps: