AM625: How to Integrate & Build Embedded MYSQL

Part Number: AM625

Hi TI Experts,

As we know there are some guide before describing the ways to integrate & build MYSQL on AM335x.

May I know, in our AM62x, do we still support MYSQL?

If yes, is there any guide could help for reference?

Thanks a lot!


  • Hi Kevin,

    you can easily add MariaDB to your Yocto build, which is a readily available in Yocto and very popular alternative to MySQL, by adding the below to your conf/local.conf file

    # Include MariaDB which a popular fork of MySQL
    IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " mariadb"

    To confirm I just performed a quick test build of a tisdk-default-image and was able to see various components of MariaDB integrated into the Linux rootfs as a result of that.

    Regards, Andreas