Hi TI-Team,
some time ago we built a custom board with AM243x chip (Board A). We did a new revision of this board with a AM6442 chip (Board B).
On board B we now have problems to get OSPI boot running. On the new boards the exact same flash was used, which was successfully tested/used on the Board A in conjuction with AM243x. The assembled flash is a Micron MT35XU512ABA1G12-0AAT.
The OSPI flash in general is working. This means after booting in DEV-Boot mode and doing basic SOC init I can successfully execute programs using OSPI Flash such as OSPI Flash IO or OSPI Flash Diagnostic. I am also able to flash a bootloader via a modified JTAG uniflash program.
Here is the read JEDEC information:
{ "flashSize": 67108864, "flashPageSize": 256, "flashManfId": "0x2C", "flashDeviceId": "0x5B1A", "flashBlockSize": 131072, "flashSectorSize": 4096, "cmdBlockErase3B": "0xD8", "cmdBlockErase4B": "0xDC", "cmdSectorErase3B": "0x20", "cmdSectorErase4B": "0x21", "protos": { "p111": { "isDtr": false, "cmdRd": "0x03", "cmdWr": "0x02", "modeClksCmd": 0, "modeClksRd": 0, "dummyClksCmd": 0, "dummyClksRd": 0, "enableType": "0", "enableSeq": "0x00", "dummyCfg": null, "protoCfg": null, "strDtrCfg": null }, "p112": null, "p114": null, "p118": { "isDtr": false, "cmdRd": "0x7C", "cmdWr": "0x84", "modeClksCmd": 0, "modeClksRd": 1, "dummyClksCmd": 0, "dummyClksRd": 7, "enableType": "0", "enableSeq": "0x00", "dummyCfg": null, "protoCfg": null, "strDtrCfg": null }, "p444s": null, "p444d": null, "p888s": null, "p888d": { "isDtr": false, "cmdRd": "0x0B", "cmdWr": "0x12", "modeClksCmd": 0, "modeClksRd": 0, "dummyClksCmd": 8, "dummyClksRd": 20, "enableType": "0", "enableSeq": "0x00", "dummyCfg": { "isAddrReg": false, "cmdRegRd":"0x00", "cmdRegWr":"0x00", "cfgReg":"0x00000000", "shift":0, "mask":"0x00", "bitP":0 }, "protoCfg": { "isAddrReg": false, "cmdRegRd": "0x00", "cmdRegWr": "0x00", "cfgReg": "0x00000000", "shift": 0, "mask": "0x00", "bitP": 0 }, "strDtrCfg": { "isAddrReg": false, "cmdRegRd": "0x00", "cmdRegWr": "0x00", "cfgReg": "0x00000000", "shift": 0, "mask": "0x00", "bitP": 0 } }, "pCustom": { "fxn": null } }, "addrByteSupport": "1", "fourByteAddrEnSeq": "0xA1", "cmdExtType": "REPEAT", "resetType": "0x10", "deviceBusyType": "0", "cmdWren": "0x06", "cmdRdsr": "0x05", "srWip": 0, "srWel": 0, "cmdChipErase": "0xC7", "rdIdSettings": { "cmd": "0x9F", "numBytes": 5, "dummy4": 0, "dummy8": 0 }, "xspiWipRdCmd": "0x00", "xspiWipReg": "0x00000000", "xspiWipBit": 0, "flashDeviceBusyTimeout": 64000000, "flashPageProgTimeout": 120 }
So for me it seems like ROM-code of chip is not able to successfully access OSPI Flash at boot time.
Do I have any further debugging possibilities?
Are there any registers etc. where I could find out what the problem is?
Thanks for any help or tips in advance!
Kind regards,