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Part Number: TDA4VM
I want to save the images. In the cfg file, when I set en-out_img_write=1, The image on the monitor is severely stuck and there are many dropped frames.
when I set set en_out_ldc_write=1, the image is completely…
Part Number: AM62D-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM62P
Hello Expert,
My customer is designing schematics for AM62D-Q1. Then, they want to know about suggested power supply for VPP.
I had same discussion for AM62P and I heard that…
Part Number: TDA4VM-Q1
“startJacinto” project is used to manage the Jacinto6,Jacinto7,Sitara AM62x/AM62Ax SDK, include Ubuntu.
Using this tool can effectively improve your work efficiency , you can develop all the work in one terminal, it…
Part Number: AM623
Hi team,
Had a customer ask the following question, could someone please help with below:
We understand that, theoretically, we can support secure boot by setting the eFuses. However, the customer does not have a suitable stage in…
Part Number: AM6442
Hi Expert,
can we use this way to program AM64x boot SPI FLASH?
When we want to program,we short the jumper to short the MCU_PORz reset to GND,to let AM64 all pins to initial states,which can release the QSPI pins. Then we use socket…
Part Number: AM625
Hi TI Experts,
Please let me know if you have some specific recommendations or care-about for Circuit Optimization of Custom board hardware design .
Part Number: TDA4VH-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDA4VH Is ECC (SEC/DED) testing possible on R5F internal cache memories? If yes, please provide the steps to do so.