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Part Number: TDA4VM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRA829 , , DRA821 , TDA4VL , TDA4VH Details/information about CPSW instances supported in J7 devices and software supported from TI SDK.
Part Number: TDA4VH-Q1 Currently the SDL CCM test caters only to MCU domain R5Fs. Provide the steps to port the SDL cpu_app to perform CCM on the Main Domain R5Fs.
Part Number: AM68A 1. Its not mentioned anywhere to use OSRT in TIDL-RTs user guide or any other documentation from TI
2. If i use edgeai tidl tools repos, i cant use TIDL-RT in that case
3. I have developed Custom Operator, i cant take advantage for…
Part Number: AM68A I have custom model that i want to compile using edgeai-tidl-tools, with following details
1. The standard OSRT example scripts needs pre and post processing params, how can we bypass this and use randomly generated tensors as input…
Part Number: AM625SIP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-AM62-SIP , AM625
Hi TI Experts,
I am starting a new board design and planning to use TI Starter Kit (SK) design files for designing my custom board.
Please let…
Part Number: AM6442 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-AM64B
Hi TI Experts,
I am starting a new board design and planning to use TI Starter Kit (SK) design files for designing my custom board.
Please let me know if you…