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  • RoHS3 Compliant

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV844


    can i get the RoHS3 Compliant certs for LMV844MAX/NOPB

  • LMV844: LMV844 impendence test

    Part Number: LMV844

    Hi expert,

    When we test Lmv844 the impendence of LMV844's IN+ pin, found that the impendence decreased with the increase of temperature when there was no power supply, Could you pls help to explain that? Thx. 

  • TMS320F28377D: Random noise in ADC measurements

    Part Number: TMS320F28377D
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28379D, LMV844, THS4531

    We are using a F28377DPTPEP chip on our own PCB, and we are experiencing an issue with the ADC measurements.

    The issue is that the ADC measurements have random noise…

  • RE: LMV844: Footroom under very light load


    Adding to Thomas' explanation, one may use sinking or sourcing graph shown in the datasheet to calculate LMV844 Ron resistance for a given supply voltage and junction temperature – I have done this for sinking current for 5V (blue) and 10V…

  • RE: LMV844: Footroom under very light load


    The LMV844 datasheet only provides output swing to the supply rails under specific 2 k and 10 k load conditions. We certainly expect with an even lighter load that the output will swing somewhat closer, but the datasheet doesn't make any assurances…

  • LMV844: Footroom under very light load

    Part Number: LMV844
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA4340

    Hi Team,

    My customer would like to know footroom of LMV844 under very light load condition?
    Do you have any date of that?

    They expects to have 10mV or more footroom in almost no load conditi…

  • LMV841: Capacitive load and "RISO"

    Part Number: LMV841
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV844, OPA2171, , LMV842, TINA-TI, OPA4171

    For OPA2171 you don't only provide a figure for max allowed C_LOAD and recommend R_ISO, you also provide a graph of R_ISO vs C_LOAD for phase margins of 45…

  • SPICE op amp macromodels: “Trust but verify”

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: LMV844

    President Ronald Reagan frequently said “trust but verify” when discussing U.S. relations with the Soviet Union. Some say it comes from a Russian proverb, “doveryai no proveryai.”

    Trust but…

  • LMV841 untity gain driving capacitive load with out-of-loop compensation

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV841, LMV844

    I am using the LMV841 (actually LMV844 quad version of LMV841) in unity gain application and I want to know if 10K in series with 4.7uF at the output would oscillate or cause some other unexpected behavior…