Part Number: PGA116 we are using the PGA116 in the following configuration
3 analog switches (DG4051EEQ) are connected to 3 channels of the PGA116 (CH0-CH2), further 7 analog inputs are connected directly to the PGA (CH3-CH9).
When the analog inputs…
Part Number: PGA116 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI Hi Raymond,
While doing other measurements on pga116, I found something odd about the frequency response. There is a drop of around 1 dB at 6 kHz! Can you tell me what it can come from?
Part Number: PGA116 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PGA117 , OPA2314 Hello Everyone, In a project related to acoustics, I should select sequencely 10 microphone pre-amplified and be able to change thier gain. I found the pga116/7 which seems well suited…
Part Number: PGA116 The Datasheet does not do a good job of explaining this but what are the spi commands I need to send to read a particular input channel. The read command in the datasheet does not have any bits set aside for the channel to be read…
Part Number: PGA116 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5529 , How to communicate with PGA116 from MSP430f5529 to set the gain of PGA116?
The PGA116 is given DVdd supply from micro controller (3.3V), CS, DOUT, DIN & SCLK from corresponding micro controller…
Part Number: MSP430F5529 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PGA116 How to communicate with PGA116 from MSP430f5529 to set the gain of PGA116?
The PGA116 is given DVdd supply from micro controller (3.3V), CS, DOUT, DIN & SCLK from corresponding micro controller…
Hi Jake,
If you need a true 0 to 5V signal, I recommend setting the PGA116 output to something like 0.5V to 4.5V and using an additional gain and offset stage to further scale the output. Depending on your bandwidth needs, an inexpensive op amp with good…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PGA116 , MSP430G2553 Hi i am trying to interface pga116 (slave) with msp430(master)
i used the following code
#include <msp430.h>
volatile char received_ch = 0;
int main( void )
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2553 , PGA116 I am trying to use PGA116 multiplexer to select 4 signals and using msp430g2553 to select the channels .
I have trouble understanding which pin from the microcontroller is connected to the multiplexer…