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TLV8541: Spice model

Part Number: TLV8541
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV9002


I'm trying to simulate TLV8541 in Micro-Cap. When I open the .LIB file and scroll to .subckt TLV8541 there are only 2 lines. I guess it is referencing to another model or something..
I'm new to simulations so I don't really know how to import this into Micro-Cap, but I know there should be much more lines describing the op-amp.

Can you give me a normal spice model that I can import just as I import all the other spice models?

You can see what I'm talking about in the picture below.

There was another thread that described how to get a .lib from .cir file. But in the .zip file provided by TI there is no .cir file.

Thank you,


  • Hey Martin,

    The reason the TLV8541 model is two lines is that it is hierarchical and ties the pins to the VFA_HT5 block. I'm not familiar with micro cap as a simulator but I believe if you are able to import the library for other op amps (which also references other subckts in the .lib), it should be able to import the .lib for TLV8541.

    Are you having any issues importing the model or did you just have concerns seeing the short model description in the .lib?


  • Hi,

    I'm having trouble importing the model. I mean I can import it but when I try to simulate it, I get an error.
    This is what my component looks like:

    And when I try to simulate it, I get this error:

    With a different op-amp (TI PSpice model for TLV9002) then the circuit works. So the problem is in the spice model.

    Do you know is there any spice model that is not hierarchical for this part?

  • Martin,

    We do not have another model for this part. From the error it looks like it's linking the model correctly to the other subcircuit but not linking that subcircuit to another one in the .lib. I'm not certain why this is happening because I am unfamiliar with that simulator, and it seems that there is no longer support for that software as the company is no longer in business.

    The model works in TINA-TI, which is free to use and available for download at the link I provided. Is there a specific reason you need to use Micro Cap? There may be an error within Micro Cap preventing the use of the model.
