INA240: EOS/EIPD root cause - INA240A2QDRQ1

Part Number: INA240


QEM-CCR-2403-00858 CPR241097474 / QEM-CCR-2403-00266 / QEM-CCR-2403-00241 /  QEM-CCR-2310-00688 / QEM-CCR-2310-00052 / QEM-CCR-2302-00871 / QEM-CCR-2302-00871 / 

QEM-CCR-2302-00765 / QEM-CCR-2210-00743 /  QEM-CCR-2210-00748 / QEM-CCR-2209-00551

We performed the required test on one of our good units and we did not observe any strange behavior- see attached picture with the signals (IC850 – startup_000.jpg), and also restarted several time manually to see if there is any change in behavior- but still we did not see anything (IC850 - repeated start up_000.jpg). 

IC850 - startup

IC850 - repeated start-up

We still can not explain the EOS and need your support