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We are using a LMC6001a op amp in an electrometer application for ion detection. Our lowest range is 1e-14 amp and go up from there We are using +/-5V power supplies which are bypassed with 0.1uF and 3.3uF tantalums. It is used as an inverting configuration and ii's output is buffered with a BUF634. Our full scale out put for each range is 1V. RF is 1Gig ohm paralleled with a 10pF capacitor. We are mounting the dip in a dip socket and have lifted the input pins up to float and make critical connection in the air instead of on a pcb with a guard ring.
Our problem is we are experiencing extremely long settling times on the very lowest range. To completely settle out it will take about 30 minutes to get to a static level. We know it is not associated with the bipolar power supplies as we have checked them very carefully. We also know it is not a thermal issue because if the amp completely settles out and then turn the amp off and then back off it will take the same amount of time to settle out again.
We have tried several more dip LMC6001A units and they all behave the same. We have not tried a metal can variant to see if that would be different. We have taken extreme caution to make sure the part is clean and have used tools to insert the part in place and therefore are confident we have not contaminated the part. This section of electronics in mounted in a copper shielded box.
We have followed the application note's suggestions but nothing there explains what we might be seeing.
We know we are pushing the limits of the 25 famps the op amp is rated for, but we are well above that limit.
We have spent a lot of time trying to diagnose this particular issue and are quite frankly stumped unless there is some thing unique to the op amp when it is operated at its extreme low currents.
Looking forward to comments from engineers that have worked at these levels for suggestion to try or let us know if we are chasing rainbows.
Craig Shull
Hi Craig,
Yes. At turn-on there will be a large transient. This is unavoidable. There are ESD structures from the inputs to the supplies - common to almost all CMOS amplifiers. Each of these structures has a few pF of capacitance that will inject some charge as the supplies move. You will find that other CMOS amps will do the same (older JFET based amps lacking ESD structures may not have this issue - but will still see some turn-on transients).
I have used the LMC6001 and it's LMC60xx siblings down to the fA levels, so I know they can do it. The DIP with a lifted-leg is about as clean as you can get for 1pA. The metal package does have longer legs and is easier to manually wire - but you probably won't see much difference between the two *as long as* you properly clean the soldered leg. I always poked the leg through a piece of paper to protect against any flux/smoke residue/splatter, and to soak up any flux that tried to go up the leg. Then tear it off when done soldering then clean.
In integrator and electrometer applications, the amplifier needs to be held in a buffer or low-gain configuration until the measurement is ready to be made. This is commonly known as 'zero check'.
The simplest way to do this is to short the large feedback resistor with a low value (say 1kohm to 100kohm - but not zero) until the measurement is ready to be made. This essentially makes it a follower and keeps the amplifier in a controlled state during power-up.
Switching in the resistor is the fun part. Ideally this is done with a low leakage reed relay (as Keithely & HP do it), a mechanically operated switch with a grounded/guarded rod., or JFET's or MOSFETS.
JFET and MOSFETs can have gate charge that will aggravate the settling time. The trick with the MOSFET/JFET - and even the coil on the relay - is to not use a fast edge on the control signal. The 100ns risetime of a logic signal will blast through the few pF gate capacitance. Use a R-C network to slow it down.
As for the capacitor - Glass and Ceramic can be piezoelectric. Avoid any stress or vibrations as they will add charge. Some poly capacitors are worse than others. The best are polypropylene and PTFE (Teflon).
For low value capacitors, my favorite low leakage capacitor is a length of Teflon coax (RG-188) or flexible microwave hardline. For the RG-188, it only takes a few cm to get 10pF (you can coil it up). The coax is self guarding (connect the shield to the amp output side), and the inner conductor to the summing node (you can also have the coax double-duty as an input cable, too). Using a good cap meter, you can pre-trim the value to exactly what you want by cutting it slightly long and trimming the end until the value is correct.
In a pinch (pun intended), you can twist two pieces of Teflon wire together (preferably solid core).
If you also put a switch in series with the 100G resistor, then you could choose either trans-impedance or integration mode. Integration is commonly done at <10pA due to the noise involved with the required large value resistors. We use the IVC in our testers and can easily resolve 1pA given enough time.
You will always have a baseline leakage. It takes a lot of work to get 0.000pA!