I'm trying to incorporate a 4-20 mA transmitter and receiver in my PCB design. The transmitter will be controlled with a 0-3V analog output from a cortex-m3 microcontroller. The current receiver value will be read with a 0-3V analog input pin.
Starting with the transmitter, I am using an XTR117. I attached the schematic I'm using for reference. I've tried 2 configurations.
1) The first configuration is based on the datasheet: http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/xtr117.pdf
2) The second configuration is based on the schematic posted here: http://e2e.ti.com/support/amplifiers/etc_amplifiers__other_linear/f/18/t/223866.aspx
I am using the TIP41C transistor: http://www.drixsemi.com/TIP41C.PDF
I am getting 0 current reading for both configurations and I also see a 0.28 V reading at Vreg, referenced to Iret.
It's possible that either the XTR117 or the TIP41C is bad, but I figured I should make sure the circuit connections I'm using is correct.