LMK04828: LMK04828

Part Number: LMK04828
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2594


We are working on ZCU208 board. We need to generate 1.96416GHz sampling rate with external clock 10.23MHz to CLK104 module consisting of LMK04828B.

I did configuration in TICs pro to generate 245.52MHz with CLKIn0 as 10.23MHz input (external reference input is coming through CLKin0 as per CLK104 data sheet).

The following configuration works even if I don't feed external 10.23MHz to CLK104. This will be working with internal VCOs and may not be generating 1.96416GHz sampling rate accurately. (This I'm confirming from external output of CLK104 which is SDCLKOUT11 of LMK, this should come 7.6725MHZ as per the configuration, but I'm getting 7.5MHz in oscilloscope).

 One more thing what I observed is if I feed external clock 10.23MHz, CLK104 module PLL doesn't lock (This I'm observing in DS1 LED of CLK104). It gets locked only if 10MHz clock is fed with the above TICs pro configuration of 10.23MHz.

Kindly let me know whether the CLk104 module works for external 10.23MHz reference clock.

Or is there any way to achieve the desired sampling rate 1.96416GHz with 10MHz internal oscillator.

Screenshots of TICsPro configuration is attached.



  • Hi Salman,

    First of all, I want to note that your phase detector frequency for your first PLL is very low, and will result in worsened phase noise performance, as a result. However, your on board VCXO has a frequency that is a multiple of the 10.23 MHz reference. As a result, you should be able to set your phase detector frequency to 10.23 MHz. When you set this value to be your PFD1, are you still only able to achieve lock with a 10 MHz input?



  • Hi Michael,

    I have modified PLL1 phase detector frequency to 10.23MHz but still lock happens with 10MHz input only.



  • Hi Salman, 

    Thank you for sharing that information with me. I am currently on business travel, but should be back to my home office tomorrow afternoon. I will see if I can replicate your issue.



  • Hi Michael,

    Thank you for the response. 

    This issue is in top priority for us. Kindly support us to resolve the issue at the earliest.



  • Hi Salman,

    I have just returned to office. I will see if I can replicate the issue and get back to you by the end of the day.



  • Hi Salman,

    I want to preface by saying that I was not able to test your exact values in lab. Our LMK04828 evaluation modules come pre-populated with a 122.88 MHz VCXO. However, I was able to use the scaling factor (~0.75) that related 122.88 MHz and your VCXO frequency of 163.68 MHz in order to scale down all of the values you used so that I could achieve lock while using the same R and N divider values (I was not as worried about your PLL2, as you stated it is already generating the correct output, which it should be doing so long as the VCXO is driving it). 

    When I used this configuration, I found that both PLLs were locking, and PLL1 would lose lock if I changed the input frequency at all. I tried the scaled down version of 10 MHz - 7.51 MHz - and found that PLL1 lost lock. 

    In conclusion, I was not able to replicate your issue on my board. Would you be able to share the schematic of the board you are using? The fact that PLL1 will only lock to an input frequency of 10 MHz makes me suspicious that the VCXO on the board is a multiple of 10 MHz. Additionally, can you tell me if PLL2 ever loses lock?



  • Hi Michael,

    I have attached user guide of the board.

    In the board, it is mentioned VXCO is 160MHz, then my configuration of 163.68 is not correct? It generates only 160MHz? 

    If so, please let me know how to go ahead to achieve 1.96416GHz sampling frequency. 

    Regarding PLL2, it is getting locked always.clk104 user guide.pdf



  • Hi Salman,

    If your on board VCXO is a 160 MHz signal, then it makes perfect sense that PLL1 is only locking with a 10 MHz input. Your configuration of 163.68 MHz will not be achievable unless you replace the on board VCXO with one that can supply a 163.68 MHz signal. This also means that you will not be able to achieve an exact sampling frequency of 1.96416 MHz in dual loop mode unless you change your crystal. 

    It is possible to change your configuration to single loop mode, which will allow you to input a 10.23 MHz signal to OSCin, which can then be synchronized with the VCO frequency of 2455.2 MHz, which will allow you to output a sampling frequency of 1.96416 MHz that is phase locked to the input frequency - it would not have the advantage of jitter cleaning, and would require some board rework.



  • Hi Michael,

    Board rework is required for single loop mode? 

    If not, Please guide how single loop mode configuration to be done to achieve 1.96416GHz.



  • Hi Salman, 

    As you can see in Figure 21 in the datasheet (which I have attached below), you can only use single-loop mode by inputting the signal into OSCin. Currently, the signal which you will need to input to OSCin is being input to CLKin0. You will have to route that signal into OSCin in order to have proper single loop functionality.



  • Hi Michael,

    Thank you for sharing the information. As per datasheet of CLK104, it is not possible to feed external input to OSCIn. 

    Kindly suggest, is there any other way to generate reference clock for 1.96416GHz with 10MHz input instead of 10.23MHz. 

     Also, whether Set Distribution mode help us to achieve desired reference clock? there also I see it takes input from CLKIn1, which may not work in this card?

    There are LMX2594 PLL chips for ADC and DAC in CLK104 card, whether this will help?



  • Hi Salman,

    There is a way to generate a 1.96416 GHz reference clock with a 10 MHz input instead of a 10.23 MHz. Be forewarned that this configuration will have a degraded noise performance due to the high value that the PLL2 N Divider has to be set to. I have attached a configuration that outputs a SYSREF signal with a frequency of 7.6725 MHz. 




  • Hi Michael,

    Thank you for sharing the configuration. I have tested on board, PLL gets locked with 10MHz and generates 7.67MHz sysref signal. 

    May I know, how did you achieve the divider values to get the desired frequency? Is there any method to calculate divider values? 



  • Hi Salman,

    There is actually a method for calculating the PFD frequency for a given reference frequency and oscillator frequency. The PFD frequency needs to be the greatest common factor of those two frequencies, and using that value will ensure an integer multiplicative relationship between all of the values.

