• TI-API: TI-API-0404 No API Endpoint Found

    Part Number: TI-API



    As a prerequisite , We have s store API for TI Store API Suite, it's work! 

    Now , we are developing Backlog Api , but it failed , we based on originally effective Authorization 

    I create a get request  to  https…

  • TI-API: Backlog test order not accepting quote number

    Part Number: TI-API



    I am facing a weird issue while integrating the backorder API into my systems. When I try to create a test order using the backlog API, I run into an error. 

        "code": "TI-TXT-096",
  • TI-API: Backlog Quote AP - some ambiguities in /backlog/quotes [post]

    Part Number: TI-API


    1. I sent a 'quote' (/backlog/quotes [POST]) for 10,000 pieces of a certain product - in response I got that the minimum order quantity is 2,500 pieces. Does this mean that I can order (/backlog/orders [POST]) 2,500…

  • TI-API: TI-TXT-005 - Pricing could not be determined

    Part Number: TI-API



    I created a test order on the backlog route: transact.ti.com/.../test

    The data I submitted was this josn structure:

         "endCustomerCompanyName": "XX",
  • TI-API: Order got error code TI-TXT-098

    Part Number: TI-API


    Hi there,

    Recently the buyer placed a backlog order to TI, but got error feedback to line 20 said:

    But we found the actual error is caused due to Part number DRV8806PWP is wrong in the order, the correct part number…

  • TI-API: Only 1 schedule line per line item (customer request date) is supported at this time?

    Part Number: TI-API


    I've founded the following details in the documentation

    "You may receive multiple schedule lines with estimated ship dates in the order create/retrieve response depending on the availability of the product. Estimated…

  • TI-API: About COW (Change Order Window)

    Part Number: TI-API



    According to the Backlog API business guidebook:

    d. API order change requirements

    ii. Period for order changes or cancellations

    Change Order Window (COW) is defined as the period during which changes…

  • TI-API: How to query customized product details

    Part Number: TI-API



    Before placing an order using the Backlog API, I need to check information about customized products, such as MOQ and price range. However, currently, it's not possible to find any customized product information through the Product Informatio…

  • TI-API: Customer Direct Pricing (Backlog API)

    Part Number: TI-API


    Hello, hope you are having a great day.

    I am developing a system with backlog API suite
    but i faced an issue which is not being able to list past negotiated prices of the Products, (i have used test endpoints)

    My problems…

  • TI-API: Backlog API: Maximum Length of Order retrieve and ASN

    Part Number: TI-API


    Dear team,

    I got an inquiry from customer that they would like to know the maximum length for each fields TI gives them in Order retrieve and ASN retrieve.

    Could you please help to fill out columns M&W in attached file…

  • TI-API: TI BacklogAPI Order Change Request

    Part Number: TI-API



    The following quote from BacklogAPI V2.1 document,

    "Note: When creating an order change request, all outstanding schedule request line items need to be re-sent even if there are no changes to the schedule line…

  • TI-API: HTTP status of PENDING

    Part Number: TI-API


    Dear team,

    I received a question from customer: Which HTTP code will happen when system is under maintenance on TI side and we give them back "Pending" status?

  • TI-API: ASN not able to retrieve although shipment is complete

    Part Number: TI-API


    Hi team, customer MEIKO (sold to 184740) tried to execute ASN/Invoice retrieve for order, but got below error. Could you please check asap why this is happening? Shipment is done so customer should be able to retrieve…

  • TI-API: Why does the API split the order into two separate orders instead of keeping it as one?

    Part Number: TI-API



    During our implementation of the Backlog Order API, we discovered that if an order contains two items with the same part number, one with a Quote Number and the other without, the result after successfully creating…

  • TI-API: Backlog quote not possible anymore

    Part Number: TI-API


    Dear  team,

    we're not able to post new quotes using the backlog test endpoint anymore.

    "customerQuoteNumber": "1721635990183",

    "messages": [


    "code": "TI-TXT-SYS",…

  • TI-API: Push notification API for Backlog order and Financial documents

    Part Number: TI-API



    We are in early stages of implementing Backlog API and want to use Push Notifications.

    To sort the incoming messages we need to have other information than is available in json messages from TI API.

    In Push API …

  • TI-API: [Backlog API] Invalid API call as no apiproduct match found

    Part Number: TI-API


    I am new to this API, and I encountered the following issue when I was running the examples on your website Backlog API suite - Quote API | TI API Portal.

    I've googled, but all the answers on the forum cannot resolve my issue…

  • TI-API: Backlog order change quoteNumber inserts a 00 at the beginning of the number

    Part Number: TI-API


    when changing a quote number of a line item in a test order the API put a "00" in front of it.

    What I sent:

    {"order": {"orderNumber": "1021627149", "checkoutProfileId": "***", "endCustomerCompanyName": "***", "lineItems…

  • TI-API: The currency of quote answers does not match the requested currency

    Part Number: TI-API


    I created a quote on the test API. The quote was made with the requested currency "USD". The API returned the a price in "EUR" and also mentioned "EUR" as the requested currency.

    The ship to currency…

  • TI-API: Backlog order tiUnitPrice 0.00

    Part Number: TI-API


    we made a backlog order on the production API. The answer returns a tiUnitPrice of 0. Why do we get that answer and what do we need to do to get the order accepted?


    "orders": [
    "orderNumber": …

  • TI-API: Backlog order tiUnitPrice not fitting priceBreaks (TI-TXT-051)

    Part Number: TI-API


    we made a test order on the backlog API. 

    What we did:

    We ordered 450 pieces of "INA240A2PW"

    The price breaks on the website:

    Qty Price (USD)
    1  99 $2.929
    100  249 $2.567
    250  999 $1.799
  • TI-API: Backlog API change order error: TI-SOU-50000

    Part Number: TI-API


    I made a backlog order. Afterwards I addded another item via the order change API.
    Then I deleted this newly added item from the order. Since then the order status is on "BEING PROCESSED".

    Whenever I try to make changes…

  • TCAN11623-Q1: TI-API: Backlog API Error: TI-API-40002 "Invalid JSON input" on Order Change

    Part Number: TCAN11623-Q1


    yesterday we sent our first order change to the productive system, but the response came back with errors. Could you please take a look?  

    Part number is TCAN11623DMTRQ1, but cannot be selected in this form here...


  • Quote Test endpoint Invalid API call as no apiproduct match found ERROR

    I'm trying a post request to   transact.ti.com/.../test test endpoint and I get the response like below.

    {"fault":{"faultstring":"Invalid API call as no apiproduct match found","detail":{"errorcode"…
  • TI-API: The maximum API calls per day (or call limits) for TI Backlog APIs

    I would like to know the maximum API calls per day (or call limits) for the following TI Backlog APIs:

    - Quote retrieve
    - Order retrieve
    - Advanced Ship notice (ASN) retrieve
    - Financial documents retrieve

    Best regards,


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