FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Auto-Bidirectional Level-Shifters >> Current FAQ
- [FAQ] Should I use Auto-Bidirectional level-shifters for Fixed directional applications?
- [FAQ] How do the LSF translators work?
- [FAQ] What is the difference between TXS TXB and LSF devices?
- [FAQ] TXS and LSF devices support Open-Drain and Push-Pull applications. How do I choose Open-Drain or Push-Pull Mode?
- [FAQ] Why are the TXS01xx VIH/VIL specifications so stringent?
- [FAQ] Can I estimate appropriate dampening resistor value for level-shifter outputs?
- [FAQ] How can I mitigate TXB / TXS oscillations?
- [FAQ] TXB0304 oscillates but TXB0104 works, why?
- [FAQ] How can I choose a high drive strength device?
- [FAQ] Which IBIS model should I choose for simulating Auto-Bidirectional Translators (LSF,TXB,TXS) ?
- [FAQ] What are the differences between the TXS-Type Variants (E,V)?