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Provide the list of bugs in HALCoGen software for devices (TMS570Lx, RM57Lx, RM46Lx, RM48Lx etc).
S.No | HALCogen Bug | Links |
1 | PINMMR33 for Pin 25 is not set properly on TMS570LS0914PZ device |
[HERCULES_SW-6155] Pinmux for Pin25 is not set properly on TMS570LS0914PZ device - Texas Instruments JIRA ( |
2 | PINMMR configuration is wrong for USB device module for RM46Lx |
[HERCULES_SW-6154] Pinmux configuration wrong for USB device module for RM46 (Champion) - Texas Instruments JIRA |
3 | MibSPI1 Port is not configurable. |
[HERCULES_SW-6105] TMS57007x/09x MibSPI1NCS[3] is not available on HALCOGEN 04.07.01 - Texas Instruments JIRA ( |
4 |
SPI2 driver is not generated. |
[HERCULES_SW-6152] HALCoGen (RM44 PZ) doesn't generate driver for SPI2 - Texas Instruments JIRA ( |
5 |
Initialization of mail box 41 is not generated |
[HERCULES_SW-6145] Initialization of mail box 41 is not gerenated - Texas Instruments JIRA |
6 | Halcogen FEE example failed on Conqueror Launchpad | [HERCULES_SW-6135] Halcogen FEE example failed on Conqueror luanchpad - Texas Instruments JIRA ( |
7 |
.sysmem enabled in cmd file through HALCoGen |
[HERCULES_SW-6134] .sysmem enabled in cmd file through HALCoGen - Texas Instruments JIRA ( |
8 | HALCoGen not enabling MDIO related signals. | |
9 | HALCoGen (04.07.01) shows in SPIx Delays tab C2EDELAY unit as ms but it should be us | RM46L852: SPIDELAY register content/function/description - Arm-based microcontrollers forum - Arm-based microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums |
10 | Initial value of GPREG1 return by systemGetConfigValue function should need to be correct | (+) TMS570LC4357: Discrepancy between the initial value of GPREG1 and SYS_GPREG1_CONFIGVALUE - Arm-based microcontrollers forum - Arm-based microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums |
11 | Initial value of VCLKACON1 return by systemGetConfigValue function should need to be correct | (+) TMS570LC4357: Discrepancy between the initial value of systemREG2->VCLKACON1 and SYS2_VCLKACON1_CONFIGVALUE - Arm-based microcontrollers forum - Arm-based microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums |
12 | In RM57L843ZWT.xml file found that calcMpuRegionType checks for MPU_NORMAL_OIWTNOWA_SHARED value which is not available in dropdown. | (+) RM57L843: HalCoGen unable to set MPU region to NORMAL_OIWTNOWA_SHARED - Arm-based microcontrollers forum - Arm-based microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums |
13 | Number of Mailboxes error for TMS570LS0714PZ device. It should be 64 for all the DCAN's | (+) TMS570LS0714: HALCoGen mailbox issue - Arm-based microcontrollers forum - Arm-based microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums |
14 | HET_INIT1_PST is generating instead of HET_INIT0_PST when we used HET2 for code generation. | (+) TMS570LC4357: C variable name of N2HET instructions Generated from HET IDE is different from code generated from HALCoGen - Arm-based microcontrollers forum - Arm-based microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums |
15 |
resetSource_t structure is designed for dual core even though they are always operated in lock step mode. Due to this they given two WATCHDOG reset bits ("WATCHDOG_RESET" and "WATCHDOG2_RESET") even though the device supports only one WATCHDOG RESET i.e., "WATCHDOG_RESET" So "resetSource_t " structure should need to be correct. |
(+) RM57L843: HAL Code Generator: WATCHDOG2_RESET in resetSource_t - Arm-based microcontrollers forum - Arm-based microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums |
16 |
In HL_esm.c file esmGroup1Notification(esmREG,(vec-96U)); It is not correct and it should be: esmGroup1Notification(esmREG,(vec-64U)); |
(+) HALCOGEN: Is vimECCErrorHandler() in HL_sys_vim.c correct? - Arm-based microcontrollers forum - Arm-based microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums |
17 |
For RM48, we noticed that in the gui if I use the bga model of the chip the VCLA4_divider window is present, while if I use the tqfp model of the same chip, this window to set the divider is not present. |
(+) RM48L952: PGE (TQFP 144) vs ZWT(BGA) VCLKA4 DIVIDER DIFFERENCE - Arm-based microcontrollers forum - Arm-based microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums |
18 |
In DWWD example, the code is written to generate NMI |
(5) RM57L843: How to use Digital Watchdog on RM57Lx - Arm-based microcontrollers forum - Arm-based microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums |
19 |
In Lin Example codes, You can find the below lines of code: /* Set length of data response in bytes (7 implies 8 bytes */
Here two mistakes are there,
1. Here given comment was wrong because if we pass 7 to the function linSetLength then the actual length will be 7 only and it will not be 8, because in this set length function we already decrementing the length by 1 before initiating to the FORMAT register. So, the conclusion is that the whatever length value you will pass to the Set length function that many bytes will only be transmitted on Lin bus.
2. And we should not call the Set Length function before linInit function because, the Lin module will not be release from the reset until it executes the linInit function, so the set length function will not be effective here and FORMAT register won't be affected by this function call.
Actually, HALCoGen will initiate FORMAT register with 0x7 (8 data bytes) by default in linInit function that is the reason why here it is working without any issues.