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#1. From below post, the device doesn't support watchdog reset? as it is unbelievable, so want to double confirm.
#2. Is there a register can trigger warm reset? Seems can do from below TRM section, but why both M4 reset MAIN domain and Main domain reset MAIN domain? should be M4 reset MCU domain?
#3. What did PM do on Sciclient_pmDeviceReset() request? would like to refer the processing code.
int32_t Sciclient_pmDeviceReset(uint32_t timeout) { int32_t retVal = SystemP_SUCCESS; Sciclient_ReqPrm_t reqParam ; struct tisci_msg_sys_reset_req request = {{0}}; struct tisci_msg_sys_reset_resp response = {0}; reqParam.messageType = (uint16_t) TISCI_MSG_SYS_RESET; reqParam.flags = (uint32_t) TISCI_MSG_FLAG_AOP; reqParam.pReqPayload = (const uint8_t *) &request; reqParam.reqPayloadSize = (uint32_t) sizeof(request); reqParam.timeout = (uint32_t) timeout; Sciclient_RespPrm_t respParam ; respParam.flags = (uint32_t) 0; /* Populated by the API */ respParam.pRespPayload = (uint8_t *) &response; respParam.respPayloadSize = (uint32_t) sizeof(response); retVal = Sciclient_service(&reqParam, &respParam); if((retVal != SystemP_SUCCESS) || ((respParam.flags & TISCI_MSG_FLAG_ACK) != TISCI_MSG_FLAG_ACK)) { retVal = SystemP_FAILURE; } return retVal; }
#4. Can call Sciclient_pmDeviceReset() in Data or Instruction Abort Handler? would like to do warm reset upon exception abort. is there other advice on Abort processing?
Hello Tony,
Please go through the FAQ links below which clear all your questions.
Hi Anil,
Thanks, from your FAQ, either register is OK to reset the device or main domain.
Can Sciclient_pmDeviceReset() be called with in Data Abort handler?
Customer call it in the Sciclient_pmDeviceReset() , did not reset the device.
Update conclusion:
#1. There is API api does reset with the control of direct mmr registers: SOC_generateSwWarmResetMainDomain (); other than indirect SCI call, not sure when R5F core is hangs exception whether sysfw will respond or not
#2. Can use either CTRL_MMR or MCU_CLTRL_MMR in Non isolated mode to reset the device