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I'm working with TMS320F28388D controlCARD. I get an error message while attempting to connect to the target (TMS320F28388D) through the on-board emulator (XDS100v2). This is the error message I get when running "Test Connection":
ControlCARD is not plugged on any docking station. Therefore, controlCARD set up is as follows:
In addition, I get an error when I plug the USB-B "mini" to the PC. Sorry, but PC's OS is in spanish, it means that Windows does not recognize the device.
I measured both isolated emulator and DSP voltages and they seem to be within range. In addition, at target config file, I selected the correct target (TMS320F28388D) and emulator (Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Debug Probe). Any idea about the connection error?.
Hello Juan,
You seem to have all the right settings for it to work. I'm a little stumped here. Is there a chance your PC is cutting off USB power due to error recognizing the device? Do you have a docking station or another controlCARD by any chance to try?
Hi Gus,
I tried to connect with 3 different PCs, one of them with a docking station. Unfortunately, I only have one controlCARD.
On the other hand, I checked CCS installation logs at C:\ti\ccs1040\ccs\install_logs\20210727124422\ti_emupack_9.4.0.00129_install. This is what I see at the log end:
"Script stderr:
[12:51:16] Running XDS100 Driver Installer
Executing C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/DPInst64.exe /SE /SW /SA /PATH "C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/ftdi_drivers"
Script exit code: 512
Script output:
Script stderr:
Program ended with an error exit code
Error running C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/DPInst64.exe /SE /SW /SA /PATH "C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/ftdi_drivers": Program ended with an error exit code
[12:51:17] Running Spectrum Digital Driver Installer
Executing C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/DPInst64.exe /SE /SW /SA /PATH "C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/SpectrumDigital_drivers/amd64"
Script exit code: 256
Script output:
Script stderr:
Program ended with an error exit code
Error running C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/DPInst64.exe /SE /SW /SA /PATH "C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/SpectrumDigital_drivers/amd64": Program ended with an error exit code
[12:51:17] Running XDS2xx Driver Installer
Executing C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/DPInst64.exe /SE /SW /SA /PATH "C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/xds2xx_drivers"
Script exit code: 256
Script output:
Script stderr:
Program ended with an error exit code
Error running C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/DPInst64.exe /SE /SW /SA /PATH "C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/xds2xx_drivers": Program ended with an error exit code
[12:51:18] Running XDS110 Driver Installer
Executing C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/DPInst64.exe /SE /SW /SA /PATH "C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/xds110_drivers"
Script exit code: 768
Script output:
Script stderr:
Program ended with an error exit code
Error running C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/DPInst64.exe /SE /SW /SA /PATH "C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/xds110_drivers": Program ended with an error exit code
[12:51:19] Patching JTrace.dll
Executing jtrace_patch.exe
Script exit code:
Script output:
Script stderr:
Unknown error while running jtrace_patch.exe
Executing C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/DPInst64.exe /lm /sw /path "C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/icdi_drivers/"
Script exit code: 768
Script output:
Script stderr:
Program ended with an error exit code
Error running C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/DPInst64.exe /lm /sw /path "C:\ti\ccs1040/ccs/ccs_base/emulation/windows/icdi_drivers/": Program ended with an error exit code
Executing fs.exe --clean
Script exit code: 0
Script output:
Removing temporary files...
Script stderr:"
It seems that there are some errors. Could it be a driver installation error?.
Thanks for providing the installation logs. Let me ask our CCS team to take a look.
I'd like to try and reprogram the FTDI EEPROM, to make sure the image is good. Please see the first reply I made in this post specifically downloading the attachment .zip with a batch file that should re-program the EEPROM.
Application FT PROG is not able to recognize FTDI EEPROM. See picture below.
Of course, USB cable is plugged in.
On the other hand, this is what I see while running USB view:
I tried to install FTDI drivers manually and It didn't work out. I'm running out of ideas :(
Juan Pablo
Thanks for your patience here, let's try the manual method with MPROG vs FTPROG
1)Download the MPROG programming utility from FTDI here:
2)Download the programmation file here:
3)Run MPROG.exe, scan for devices, read devices(under Tools), then program the .ept file in the ZIP file above
The FTDI should now behave as an XDS100v2 with an additional UART back channel.
If the MPROG utility doesn't detect the FTDI device, please post that screenshot.
Hi Matthew,
MPROG does not detect the FTDI device. This is the result of scan operation:
And this is the result of read operation:
Unfortunately I think we at the point we need to start the return/replace(or refund) process. Here is the link to the TI page to start with this.
If you purchased this through a distributor, you will need to contact them and follow their procedure.
If you purchased this on the store you will use the next to last return procedure on the above link.
Let me know if you need any help with this or have more questions.
Thank you for the support. I will contact the distributor to find out whether the kit has to be replaced or not.
Let me know if they require proof that TI has recommended this course of action. You can refer to this thread or let me know if I need to talk to them as well.