Texas Instruments (TI) Motor drivers support forum is an extensive online knowledge base where millions of technical questions and solutions are available 24/7. You can search motor drivers IC content or ask technical support questions on everything from brushless DC (BLDC) and brushed DC (BDC) motor drivers to stepper motor and other drivers for precise motor control. Find the right solution for your circuit design challenges by using our TI E2E™ support forums that are supported by thousands of contributing TI experts.
In this FAQ we will cover some common faults that are triggered and how to resolve them by tuning the settings available on the MCx devices (with example pictures from the GUI).
1. MPET IPD Faults
A common fault we see with customers are MPET faults…
Part Number: DRV8316
How to put the device in current limiting mode or current sense amplification mode?
The VREF/ILIM pin and the PWM mode the device is in determine if the device will be in in current limiting mode or current sense amplification mode…
Part Number: DRV8714-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8706-Q1 , DRV8705-Q1 , DRV8718-Q1
DRV8705-Q1, DRV8706-Q1, DRV8714-Q1, DRV8718-Q1
Above automotive gate driver family has offline diagnostic function. Procedure of offline diagnostic is shown in…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8311HEVM When it comes to designing your system, sometimes you may find that there is a limited amount of ADC channels available on your MCU. One way that you can reduce the number of needed ADC channels is by converting…
Part Number: MCF8316A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCF8315A ,
Sensorless Brushless DC (BLDC) motors are widely used in industrial and medical applications such as vacuum cleaners, pumps, CPAP blowers etc. Decelerating a BLDC motor in these…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCF8316A Importance of Motor Parameters
When driving a sensorless 3-phase BLDC motor with field-oriented control (FOC), the control algorithm uses the motor parameters to create a mathematical model representation of the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCF8316A Brushless DC motors are widely used across market sectors and the industry is attempting to move from sensored to sensorless solutions for applications that don’t need the tight position control offered by sensored…
Register settings in TI motor drivers allow you to configure specific settings to optimize motor driver performance for your particular application. Whether it is adjustable IDRIVE, dead time, or setting the overcurrent trip threshold, register settings…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8316 The DRV8316 comes with an integrated buck that can support up to 200mA of current and can be used as a 3.3V or a 5V rail in a motor driver system. In some systems, however, the buck may not be needed. If this is…
Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words, such as troubleshooting a motor and motor driver. This post discusses the signals that are the most commonly useful when debugging a running motor, and mentions some of the waveform characteristics…