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Part Number: J784S4XEVM
Utility to print TIOVX_OBJ_DESC_MEM usage by the application.
TIOVX_OBJ_DESC_MEM is used to store all the object descriptors used by the application.
Part Number: AM62L Tool/software: HI TI experts,
Can you provide more inputs on the RTC Clock Signal as below
1. Use cases
2. Connection when not used
3. Using crystal or Oscillator
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM64X Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: How to enable ethernet PRU ICSS on the EVM with the following configuration:
A53: Linux R5F0-0: RTOS Booting: SD Card, SPL
Part Number: AM62L
Hi TI Experts,
I have the below queries regarding the ADC0 peripheral
1. Supported ADC resolution and channels
2. Guidelines for using ADC peripheral
Let me know your thoughts.
Part Number: AM62L Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDS62LEVM , , AM62D-Q1
Hi TI Experts,
I have the below queries regarding the OSPI0 peripheral and interface
1. I see x1 OSPI device and x1 QSPI device interfaced on the TMDS62LEVM. Does…
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM64X Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Hi,
While integrating OSPI NOR Flash from Macronix, customers have faced flash errors.
Here are the top two concerns faced:
The most common error being: The OSPI…
Part Number: TDA4VM
This post is created to track commonly asked questions pertaining to the LPDDR4 interface for TDA4x, DRA8x, AM68x, and AM69x devices. It will be updated as needed.
Supported DDR Memory
Does TI provide an approved vendor…
Part Number: TDA4VH-Q1 Tool/software: Why is my LBIST status read by invoking the function 'SDL_LBIST_getPOSTStatus(&postResult)' - SDL_LBIST_POST_NOT_RUN?
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-J722S Tool/software: There is a memory mapping issue in the uboot, which can potentially cause random crash when running vision apps demos on J7AEN device. This FAQ provides fixes for this issue.