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Hi TI,
in our embedded system, we have some sporadic issues in relation with DDR3 RAM and some boards fail suddenly on RAM corruption.
For years this wasn't any issue, but we needed to change to a second source and now we got some troubles.
We could already solve the issue by changing the RZQ resistor value and therefore increasing the drive strength. For further HW generation this is not a problem, but we have a lot of boards in the field, that have now a potential risk to fail and got already a bunch back in our support.
The question we have now is, could we achieve the same result in changing some specific configuration parameters in the EMIF DDR controller on AM3352?
Could this change in HW be made possible by changing some configuration in DDR register settings?
I have talked just know to the RAM manufacturer support and they said, that often this could be achieved on MPU DRAM controller settings.
In HW we have reduced the RZQ from 240 Ohm to 120 Ohm.
I have digged in EMIF controller settings and found this registers, that would have influence on driving strength.
SDRAM_CONFIG Register ( in spruh73l.pdf)
Any help or hint to increase driving strength without changing HW resistor would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for all answers.
Christian Schuler said:SDRAM_CONFIG Register ( in spruh73l.pdf)
The SDRAM_CONFIG register is what gets written to the DDR to configure its drive strength. The AM335x DDR drive strength is configured independently. I have a script which reads all the pertinent registers, decodes them, and displays the corresponding pins that are impacted. I think that it will make it fairy easy for you to debug your issue. You can download the script here:
Directions on how to run the script are here:
It will output a text file to your desktop. There's a section in the output file called IOCTRL Registers. Here's an example showing one of the associated registers (there are several):
* ddr_d8 Pullup/Pulldown disabled
* ddr_d9 Pullup/Pulldown disabled
* ddr_d10 Pullup/Pulldown disabled
* ddr_d11 Pullup/Pulldown disabled
* ddr_d12 Pullup/Pulldown disabled
* ddr_d13 Pullup/Pulldown disabled
* ddr_d14 Pullup/Pulldown disabled
* ddr_d15 Pullup/Pulldown disabled
* ddr_dqm1 Pullup/Pulldown disabled
* ddr_dqs1 and ddr_dqsn1 Pullup/Pulldown disabled
* Bits 9:5 control ddr_dqs1, ddr_dqsn1
- Slew slow
- Drive Strength 9 mA
* Bits 4:0 control ddr_d[15:8], ddr_dqm1
- Slew slow
- Drive Strength 8 mA
I've highlighted the last bit as that's the critical part you'll want to examine. It shows you for each register which bits pertain to which pins. It correspondingly provides the configured slew rate and drive strength. More info on these registers can be found in the AM335x Technical Reference Manual in Section 9.2.5 DDR PHY.
Best regards,
Hi Brad,
thanks a lot for your quick reply. We will try out new setting and will feedback our result, but it will take some time...
Best regards,
Generally speaking you should be performing IBIS analysis to determine the optimal settings for your platform. You would then implement those settings in the code and use the script to validate that you implemented it correctly. The IBIS analysis allows you to simulate corners of process and temperature, i.e. it is possible to check all the extremes to come up with the best set of parameters. If you're just doing trial and error testing you might inadvertently improve one scenario while making another worse.
Best regards,
I would be happy to do this process, but I would have a lot of question marks how to proceed here.
Just in addition, we have done all DDR3 rules on the transmission lines. All impedance controlled and also checked initial by the pcb manufacturer.
I have also measured some signals and signal integrity looks really well. But I can't do eye measurement with my equipment.
However, all the issue is now appearing with a second source SRAM, we did not have any issues with the previous used ones (ISSI & Micron).
I would be very happy, if you could further assist to go throug the IBIS modelling process.
Thank you
The IBIS model can be found in the AM3352 product folder if you go to Design & Development -> Design Tools & Simulation. Here's a direct link to the AM335x ZCZ IBIS model:
I can give a few general guidelines, but giving full guidance through IBIS modeling is outside what we can achieve in the forum. A few considerations:
I'm attaching a pdf of wiki page that I previously wrote on this topic. It might provide further help in understanding the IBIS models themselves.
How to use the AM335x IBIS Models.pdf
Best regards,
Christian, is your second source DDR JEDEC compatible with the working ones? You should compare the timings of the working and non-working DDR datasheets.
It also sounds like you are working with fairly old software which may not have optimal DDR configuration values. It is possible that increasing the drive strength helps because your timings are marginal. I would recommend using the latest AM335x EMIF tool found here: Link to the latest spreadsheet is in the app note. This should produce the most optimal DDR configurations. If the devices are JEDEC compatible, you should be able to come up with a common configuration for all.
Hi James,
yes, the DDR is absolutely JEDEC compatible. I have also talked already to the DDR vendor support. They gave the hint to reducing the ZQ and said, we need to increasing driving strength and confirmed that this have solved equally troubles from other customers.
Thank you very much for the updated pdf and excel spreadsheet link. It looks much better then the old version I'm using. Well, the DDR integration is already 4 years ago and I just rewind to all the stuff I had used in the past. I will now go through again all the stuff with the new spreadsheet and will try that values with out linux developer. We already moved a step forward with changing settings in the driving strength, but it's still not reliable.
One thing I'm confused with is the CMD_PHY_INVERT_CLKOUT. We have currently a 0 configured here (no clock invertion). How is the link to the DDR datasheet given here?
Will let you know our results, once we have tested.
Best regards,
Hi Christian, yes the invert_clkout=1 setting is one of the major differences between the older spreadsheet and the newer one. This was found to provide more timing margin in the PHY delays in the slave_ratio settings. The new spreadsheet fixes this to 1 and changes a few other parameters accordingly. Be sure to use all of the settings from the new spreadsheet in your testing.
Hi James,
it seems like we have now succeeded to eliminate all errors.
Thanks for forwarding the updated TI Excel (EMIF Tool spread sheet), that was the golden grail :-)
One last question:
Can you please confirm, that it doesn't make sense to run the calibration tool (Software Leveling) with only one DDR RAM?
I'm just very carful right now and don't like to understand anything wrong, because we have done it at the first integration.
From ,page 5
Software leveling is only necessary if you havea fly-bytopology with more than one DDR memory device.If you have a single16-bitDDR device,the results from the EMIF tool spreadsheet represent the optimalvalues needed for the DDR PHY,and thus you do not need to performthe following steps
Thanks a lot to all for your support.
Best regards