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Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM62X Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM62P
I am trying to use Deep Sleep as a low power mode on AM62x/AM62A/AM62P devices using SDK 9.0+. How can we debug Deep Sleep using SYSFW Trace?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-AM64B , TMDS64EVM , AM625 I am referring the collaterals for the below EVM / SK.
Is there any Update to be Done on the collaterals to reuse in my custom design.
Part Number: SK-TDA4VM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDA4VM , For enabling SPI on J721E/TDA4VM, I have seen the following:
I have seen this FAQ, https://e2e.ti.com/support/processors-group/processors/f/processors-forum/947437/faq-ccs-tda4vm-how-to-use…
Part Number: AM623
Hi, I am having trouble locating the drive power of the oscillator MCU_OSC0_XI. I am driving an external quartz crystal using this pin but need to make sure the crystal is appropriately rated for the power dissipation it will experience…
Part Number: AM62A7 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM6442
This e2e exchange: AM6442: eMMC pull-ups necessary or not? , results in a statement that the AM6442 requires no external pull resistors on the MMC0 interface, and that the processor will provide…
Part Number: TDA4VM On the TDA4VM EVM, GPIO0_0 is connected to SW10. See TDA4VM EVM User Guide for SW10 location.
Can SW10 + GPIO0_0 be used to generate an interrupt on TDA4VM A72, with QNX running?
Part Number: SK-AM62
Problem Statement: Customers are facing problems interfacing SoC_I2C2 to external sensors using the User Expansion Connector (J3) .
They are having hardware connections by interfacing sensors with EXP_I2C2_SDA and EXP_I2C2_SCL lines…
Part Number: TDA4VM In the rti_app_uc(1-4) and the rti_test_app tested on SDK 8.6, 9.0 and 9.1, the interrupt callback is received much before the wait delay in the code sequence. The program does not wait for the callback to be triggered.
Observed output…
Part Number: TDA4VM Hello,
We need a CAN example which runs on MCU2_1 with freeRTOS OS along with Linux running on A72 with SPL boot flow and also the CAN instance used in CAN example has to be MCAN0( Main domain CAN0).
SDK version: 9.1
Part Number: AM62A7
Could you confirm that the voltage domains are correct for the MMC1_SDCD and MMC1_SDWP pins? The datasheet shows both MMC0 and MMC2 as having all member pins bellowing to the same voltage domain. For MMC1 however, the pins are shown…